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Olivia Lessirard

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  1. Hello everyone ! :) I kindly request you to excuse me for the disturbance, but as presently student in Master's degree in Economics & Psychology at Panthéon-Sorbonne and Paris Descartes (and I'm also a musician since my 6 years old), I'm in search of composers for an experience on feedback in music composition within the framework of my master thesis. The experiment consists in making up a short composition of 8 measures, then to suggest modifications on the composition of another participant. Then, there is the possibility to modify its own composition. In extra, there is an Xperia Sony Z3 tablet Compact to win by drawing lots for people arriving at the end of the experiment :) I shall largely be grateful to you if you agreed to participate in it and if you pass it in your concerned circle of acquaintances ! Best regards, Olivia L
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