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Juan Pablo De Lucca

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  1. Not agree Rodney 100% , though i do know that the best thing you can do as a composer is to sit your butt and start getting music written. And the thing about mommy and daddy may also have some truth in it. I can say anyway that probably you live in US (?) and production facilities are quite different from those in Argentina, and the same goes with the average level of players, orchestras and composers as well... There isnt the same information or materials here... and people dont have the same access to the same things...
  2. By ECM i refer to artists like Meredith Monk, Tomasz Stanko, Ralph Towner, etc... I have the idea that being in a first level environment concentrated on working on my music will make it different than like in my homtown where is very difficult to get top level things and where you are with your attention in thousands of daily matters that sometimes distract yourself from composition... That´s my idea...
  3. Hi, i a have a Bachelor in Music Composition. Classical stuff, academic music. Afeter finishing my studies bac in 2008, i´ve been doing mainly contemporary popular music, influenced by tango, world music, rock and jazz. I am now looking for a place to do a master in composition, Europe o USA are my favorites. But i dont know which place will be good to develop composition technique in an "ECM" style, of course, looking for my personal voice. I have a few pieces os my Quintet, which show my personal style/search and level. Know good places to check? I imagine NYU would be a pretty good place... Would love to hear your opinions... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnq3ptAAfrA&list=PLC4Bl1ZWyLBEJ3KDyCl2SKy95_7EpyHG4
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