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JohnKiunke last won the day on February 9 2021

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About JohnKiunke

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  • Biography
    I was born in 2001, I got into classical music in 2013, I have been composing since 2014, but only seriously composing since 2016.
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  • Favorite Composers
    Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Schubert, JS Bach, CPE Bach
  • My Compositional Styles
    Viennese Classical
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  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Clavichord

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  1. Thank you all for your comments! I wrote this one along with the other I posted here more to see if I could write a fugue at all, hopefully I'll be back with more expanded and original stuff. Your criticism is greatly appreciated.
  2. Did this as an exercise and compared it with Bach's. Hopefully no counterpoint errors.
  3. Another very short fugue I wrote after working through IJzerman's "Harmony, Counterpoint, Partimento", this one's in a kind of stile antico (the longer note values and more vocal style).
  4. Thank you for your kind words, I definitely plan on writing some larger fugal works in the future, now that it's not such a mystery writing them.
  5. Thank you! Bars 6-7 is my favorite part too. I don't know much of fugue form, I just did what I thought would work for the short length. I was going to write for clarinet but I didn't feel like translating the music into a B-flat clarinet part.
  6. Fuga a 3 in g minor.mp3I recently have been reading and working through Jacob IJzerman's "Harmony, Counterpoint, Partimento" which I highly recommend, and I was inspired to write some short 3-voice fugues, mostly just to see if I could write them convincingly. Here's one of them. I scored it for flute oboe and bassoon so that the different parts could be heard easily.
  7. Written in 2018, performed on my clavichord from the original manuscript. Inspired by Mozart, Haydn, and C.P.E. Bach among others. Enjoy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVUpZqjMH_8
  8. Some of the voice leading and pacing could be cleaned up a bit, hearing more classical-era music and a lot of score study will give you a natural feel for that kind of thing. It's a nice piece, there are just parts every now and then that don't sound exactly "right"
  9. My third Opus 2 quartet, it's particularly influenced by Haydn in the first and third movements. I wrote this back in September of 2017. I always appreciated feedback, so don't hesitate! Sorry about the trills in the third movement, Musescore's trills are not so good.
  10. HATE Canon in D Eine Kleine Nachtmusik is not extraordinary and SO overplayed 2nd movement of Mozart's KV 467 - Good piece, but not as good as many of his concerto movements
  11. Thanks for the feedback! I was also having problems with the beginning of the second movement, and only recently noticed that it's because of the Eb in the 2nd violin. And the awkward leap, I actually included a grace note when I wrote it on paper, and just forgot to put it into musescore. :)
  12. My second in a set of three string quartets, Op. 2, in the style of roughly the 1780s. Enjoy! Opus 1 has been finished for a while, three piano sonatas, and I will likely post them soon. I also finished the third quartet, but I have not entered it into musescore yet. NOTE: There are two glitches in the first movement, there shouldn't be a D at the end of the exposition, its only a pickup to the development, and the B-flat seventh chord before the recap is a beat too late.
  13. Thank you all for your replies! I'm writing three of them as my Opus 2, (I will post opus 1 shortly, which is three piano sonatas) and this was my first real string quartet, so I may have been a little too cautious. I agree that it's not a very energetic piece, and needs more counterpoint, which I will try do improve on in my next quartets, and I will definitely try to add more variety of form and instrumentation in all of the movements, a skill I hope to improve by experience and study of other composers's works. This was sort of a prototype quartet, so I will definitely individualize the genre for myself once I have the basics down. Thanks again!
  14. Awesome to see figured bass getting it's proper recognition! But I think it might've been helpful to include figures as a reference point.
  15. I know nothing about editing, but maybe it could have articles about advice and techniques, or maybe catalogues of compositions, perhaps a list of works from each month by composer? It sounds really exciting!
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