Thank you.
I came from dozens analysis of standard classical music and this is one of my first attempts on minimalism. I know both standard Western and pop harmony analysis, but I totally lack in jazz. In this moment my aim is to understand minimalism style. What do you advise in order to get into its harmony perspective? Is jazz notation the more logical one to use? In this case, have you some link or book to advise in order to get started?
Anyway I understood the harmonies you wrote, they seemed to me unlogical from the classic perspective I came from, so I wasn't sure of them. I have just one question: in m. 4, how can you state it's a V9 instead of one of a III11b (no 5th, 5th inversion) or a II11 (no 7th, 2nd inversion)? These last two have both the 3rd, which makes them stronger and the pedal on the 3rd grade of the scale is unusual and it lasts for a very short time. Instead, I can accept the V9 with no 3rd as it comes from a proper V and two voices move in a conjunct movement. I'm obviously sure you're right, I'm just expressing my thoughts that come out.