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About panopticon

  • Birthday 09/01/1965

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    Neaples (Italy)
  • Occupation
    Music teacher

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  1. ... and at the last the 3.rd movement of my "Concerto cavalleresco". Good listen. To listen > "Concerto cavalleresco" (3.rd mov.)
  2. Thanks for your inters to my Cavalleresco, Fredrik. Are you a guitarist or just like you concertos for guitar? Thanks again. A regard
  3. ... then the 2.nd movement of my Concerto cavalleresco for guitar and orchestra. Good listen (I hope). To listen > Concerto cavalleresco (2.nd mov.) A regard
  4. Bacarisse? The first time I hear this name. It's true? Strong similarities? I don't know. Please, can you tell me the title of Bacarisse concerto and where I can hear that soon. Thanks! ---------------------- EDIT I have hear now the Bacarisse's "Concertino in A min op. 72" from the net. Nobody of the four movements is similar to mine. Maybe the similarities are in the musical ideas of ancient "flavor", in the rythm of dance or... I do not know! I'm sorry if I was deluse you.
  5. Hi at all! This is the first movement of my concerto for guitar and orchestra titled "Concerto cavalleresco". It is based on "epic, heroic and cortese" rhitms and dances ideas. Of the complete concert this movement was only played from a young neapolitan guitarist. In the three-movements form it is practically unknown and unpublished. My best regards, Vincenzo To listen > Concerto cavalleresco (1.st mov.)
  6. No a bad sound with Midi, finally. Good work, Florian, really good work. Compliments. How are old you? Best regards
  7. It's almost impossible to hear your piece on SoundClick for me. I think his Mp3 player is not good for my computer, but one thing I want tell to you: I saw your score and the free-hand writing (without computer) has made me to come in mind beautiful memories and it has give to me a little nostalgia. Beautiful, compliments.
  8. Hi to all. What I post here is my piece titled Shofar_trumpet.pdf
  9. Absolutely not, I do not want to confuse no executor. Instead I creed that with 3rd string on F# is the much simplest one to play a piece written in D major, moreover, the so-called
  10. Thanks for your feedbacks. The two guitars version is the original version, with strings come after. Best regards
  11. Ohh, thanks for the sincerity of your comment. If I had intentional who nobody said the own ideas on my pieces, I would not have sent them to this forum. And then, don't worry, you was not too hard, if you think that your comment is sincere and that it reflect until in bottom your convictions, for me it's ok and not is not any problem. One what I do not understand: what you mean to say with this "It just leaps..."? Best regards and sorry me for my bad english.
  12. Thanks for your participation. I hope are other contributions to the argument. Best regards
  13. Hi at all. This is my new piece that I have written in the summer of two years ago. I have played it using a strings quartet but the version that I place here is that one with strings orchestra. To hear it > Aquilando - for guitar and strings (mp3) Of the same piece I have adapted also a version for two guitars that you will be able to see here in video: Aquilando for 2 guitar (movie) Best regards
  14. Dears friends, excused if I propose this argument but I'm much curious and interested to know your experiences about it. Since the situation and the musical activity of my country are truly dramatic, would appeal to know the situation of the musical life in your cities and above all like alive, from you, a composer. In other words, it is easy to play and to propose own music from yours you leave? There are orchestras disposed to play your music? It is easy to contact directors which to propose new music to play? Thanks for your answers. Best regards.
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