Thanks for the comments!
I played first violin on Symphonic Metamorphosis last quarter, it's a ridiculous part. I'm not a very big fan of the piece personally, but it has a lot of interesting uses of orchestration.
What's interesting about the instrument selection, the flutist actually wanted it to be alto flute and viola, so it wasn't even my doing. I like the mellow sound they have though, especially on a piece like this.
When I wrote the piece initially I didn't put any breaks in the 16th notes because I figured the part could be played in a rubato fashion enough to merit room for breathing, but apparently not. In the score you'll see I added breathing spots, however slight they are.
In defense of the balance issues, a violist that plays in a chamber group inherently knows how to balance with another instrument. I think I'll give the performer the benefit of the doubt. The violist in this recording was... eh... it was a long day for both of them (no I didn't play the viola part, lol).
heres a score. I gave the performers the music in a score to make the piece a lot easier to learn: