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About some1namedjeff

  • Birthday 12/19/1984

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  • Location
    Washington State

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  1. Thanks violinfiddler! :laugh: most of my music is at SoundClick artist: Jeff Ball - romantic or impressionist classical, or film, or electronica, or game soundtrack, or abstract music i've written if you're looking for my other works... a lot of them are videogame soundtrack style, but there are a good number of classical based works. There's a lot of piano works... like the Confusion suite, the Backwards Platypus Dance, or Dance of the Manic Child. heheh.
  2. Thanks for the comments! I played first violin on Symphonic Metamorphosis last quarter, it's a ridiculous part. I'm not a very big fan of the piece personally, but it has a lot of interesting uses of orchestration. What's interesting about the instrument selection, the flutist actually wanted it to be alto flute and viola, so it wasn't even my doing. I like the mellow sound they have though, especially on a piece like this. When I wrote the piece initially I didn't put any breaks in the 16th notes because I figured the part could be played in a rubato fashion enough to merit room for breathing, but apparently not. In the score you'll see I added breathing spots, however slight they are. In defense of the balance issues, a violist that plays in a chamber group inherently knows how to balance with another instrument. I think I'll give the performer the benefit of the doubt. The violist in this recording was... eh... it was a long day for both of them (no I didn't play the viola part, lol). heres a score. I gave the performers the music in a score to make the piece a lot easier to learn: http://www.some1namedjeff.com/music/thermals_score.zip
  3. This piece was written for a friend of mine, for an independent study flute project thing. I wish the recording was better in terms of expression, because they could have done a lot more with it. But it's still a valid performance. This piece is named Thermals because it reminded the flute player on this performance of Pilotwings and the thermals they have in the game. They're kind of like slow upwardspiraling air funnels, and in the game you fly in them to gain altitude when you're hang-gliding. http://www.some1namedjeff.com/music/Thermals.mp3
  4. Thanks for the response. Yeah, there's no real structural aspect behind it except for the beginning, and in the middle where it repeats the intro. I'm planning on using that theme later on in the piece. Basically I just wanted to try something like Rimsky-Korsakov did in Scheherazade: lots of one theme, yet different ways of putting it. It doesn't work too well when you don't use a full symphony to make the colors. Still though, it is an exercise in variability much like a theme and variation is. This piece will definitely sound better with real musicians playing it. I'm planning on printing some parts and having the string quartet I play in read through it at least.
  5. heheh, sort of... had i been writing more classical music i probably would have posted it, but everything i've been writing has been techno or videogame soundtrack stuff.
  6. I wrote this over the summer and finished this morning. There isn't much in the midi in terms of dynamics, but the notes are fun. There's lots of Russian and French influence within it. 1st mvt string quartet.MID
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