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Maarten Bauer

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Maarten Bauer last won the day on May 10 2020

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About Maarten Bauer

  • Birthday 05/02/2000

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Dutch composer, who is currently studying at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague.
  • Gender
  • Location
    The Netherlands
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Music, architecture, painting, drawing, language, poetry, literature, philosophy
  • Favorite Composers
    Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Ravel, Wagner, Debussy, Glass, Bruckner
  • My Compositional Styles
    Experimental, avant-garde, neo-classical, minimal music
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    MuseScore, Noteflight
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, soprano saxophone and alto saxophone

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  1. @Tónskáld @Thatguy v2.0 @Jean Szulc Last year there was a live performance (also livestreamed) in Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ. I hope you still like the music 🙂
  2. Yeah, I used it to break the atmosphere and give a new direction to the piece. It wasn't a direct quote from Fliegende Holländer, but I was aware of Wagner style / fanfare-like.
  3. Thanks, how are you doing?! I agree that the approach is very free and more intuitive and it gives indeed more input from the musicians, which they really liked. Then, the piece is really theirs too. Hi, thanks! What do you mean with 4-25? What is nice is that I needed and was able to focus even more on structure, because I didn't have to deal that much with the material itself. I got it from the musicians, so yeah, I could experiment with form much more, which I believe you can definitely hear.
  4. If there is little (financial) support base for contemporary classical music, isn't this then a sign of disconnection and alienation from society's and the public's desire?
  5. Hello! Here is my newest composition. I wanted to try a very different approach than what I normally do in my composing process. I made a sketch of material and let two saxophonists play this material in very free ways. When they submitted their recordings the actual composing started with very static material since I cannot change the recorded material that much. It was an exercise in structure and arch building, but I also see it as a proper composition. I want to create an additive film to accompany the composition. Do you have any ideas for themes, scenes? I would love to hear your comments! 2 [Echt] Saxophone duo.mp3 - Maarten Bauer
  6. Flute, trumpet, alto sax and clarinet can sound wonderful together. It's about the effect you want. Even if you want a homogenous texture there are many tricks like bucket mute on trumpet, combining the register of the alto sax with clarinet mid/low register, high register clarinet with flute, trumpet with saxophone and clarinet middle registers. Although, for your first arrangement / piece I would not choose this, because it is complex. Look at instruments that are often used together: string section, brass section, groups of the same family like clarinet quartet.
  7. Ah, als je de keuze krijgt. Ga voor Willem Jeths.
  8. Some nice chromaticism you have there. I am not sure if I find the form itself convincing, but judging the form of only one movement from a symphony is always tricky. Ik las dat je compositie gaat studeren in Nederland? Nice! Welk conservatorium en bij welke docenten? Ik studeer zelf in Den Haag met Martijn Padding en Calliope Tsoupaki. Dan zullen we elkaar vast wel eens zien, want heb ook compositievrienden in Amsterdam zitten.
  9. Thanks a lot! No, this piece stands on its own. The lack of direction and climax is just in fact what I want. The idea is that we get a short inside in thoughts, so this soundscape could go on forever. This duration is enough to not have climax I believe. It's not boring, it's just enough to keep the attention.
  10. How did you assume that I call this a song? You are making a false relation. Zelenka was a contemporary of Bach. Kraus of Mozart. You are not living during Corelli's time I suppose. It seems more that you are building replicas than compositions that are originally yours, since this style is more than 200 years old. Music being a replica often automatically resolves into a downgraded version of what has been replicated.
  11. Thanks, Jean! My music is always written with the instruments in mind. Orchestrating it differently would go against my idea of each thought being on itself, in one line. I think I would degrade the quality of the composition by making it more ''spicy'' in orchestration.
  12. Yes, of course one is free to write what one wants. I, however, agree with Sojar, in that I find it such a pity that Simen is not exploring more in "finding his own voice". The music sounds like an exact copy of Corelli, so why would I listen to his music instead of Corelli's music, which was in fact not a copied idiom? Well done, Simen. I admire your skills, but I encourage you deeply to seek beyond imitating styles.
  13. Thank you very much! Yes, it is minimal in material, but not in the idiom of minimal music 😉 . It will be performed in real life in one month, so stay tuned!
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