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About Wolfie

  • Birthday 07/24/1982

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  1. Hey, thanks a lof tor answering.....My english is not very good, so maybe my ideas are written in a strange way, but i hope you understand me...I know you had understand me bnecause of the anserws... Well, i am completly agree with Daniel, he express what i was thinking more clearly than me ..hehe :) Anyway i understand that is not really necesary to play a string instrument to compose orchestral works... I am starting to compose, writing some inventions and preludes, doing lots of excercieses of style, and i don't want let the time pass and in some years realice i should had donde something like learn to play a violin.....But i understand you all!! C YA
  2. Hi....My question is the following: Do you think it's important to play a string instrument (specially Violin or viola) To compose more acurate string quartets or orquestral works?? Do you know if Beethoven could play the Violin? I heard that Mozart play some of his violin Concertos, and Bach played The Viola really well.. What do you think?? C YA and forgive my fair english, it's been a lot of time since i don't practice it!
  3. Hi...Yes I Had looked before at Ebay, but i didn't find a FULL score.... In fact, i never heard about someone that has it, or has seen it (except of the one that post here) So i am thinking that maybe it doesn't exists...I would really love to find it, its important to me, but i can't find it nowhere..... Do you think it is edited? C YA!
  4. Hello. Thanks a lot for posting it..To find this full transcription is important for me.... How many pages does it have? What edititorial is it? year of relesead? Any info you could give me please do it :(
  5. Thanks for posting....It's a good idea to write the band, i hope they (or the manager, or wathever, answers me ) Respect of transcribing it by myself, i find it a really difficult job, and demanding a lot of time, (a year or more) there are lots of sinths keyboards, orchestra strings, etc etc, vocal arranges, etc, in some cases really difficult to transcribe it EXACTLY, for that reason i am looking for the full transcription, to analize the arranges how the were done, the voices conduction, how where thinked the arranges, etc... Thanks...
  6. Thanks....but the midis are not the exact of the record, it's an arrange that a person did about the song...and i am looking for the exact transcription of the cd, i mean every note that it's sounding there written at the book. I tryed some midis, but there are not perfect, i discovered some instruments are missing, etc.... Anyway thanks for your answer....but,, does anyone knows if the book exists? C YA and thanks!
  7. Hello Everybody. I am new at this forum so first of all I would like to make a little presentation. I am from Buenos Aires, Argentina, and i am musician. I am finishing the National conservatorio where i study composition and guitar. I' am happy to find a place like this on the inet. I find really interesting to share opinions and talk with musicians around the world about music and composition. Well, I created this thread beacuse I am looking for (since a lot of time) the full score from the cd The Wall, of the band Pink Floyd. Here in my country I went over all the libraries and music stores, and some of them tell me it doesn't exists, and others that it is discontinued from the edition so it's extremely difficult to find it. My question is: It existed? is it possible to find it? or simply was never edited? I mean, I am looking for all the full score, of every instrument that is sounding in the cd, not an arrange for piano, guitar, vocals, etc... Well, I wait for your answers...Thanks a lot, and forgive my fair english, its been a lot of time i don't practice it so maybe i have some mistakes :D C YA!
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