Thanks for the comments, guys!
@Tokkemon. Thanks for that! =D I'm glad you liked it. Hmm, I'm not familiar with New York Counterpoint at all, although I do know of the piece (clarinet orgy!). That's interesting (about the Baroque fugue) because I definitely am not thinking of that at all. Although, I do think of different phrases being played at the same time, which imo is nothing at all compared to the Baroque fugue. About the ending being a dissonant chord, to be honest, I don't hear that as a dissonant chord... That's probably why it sounds finished to me.
@benxiwf. Ah, I should go and listen to some of your works! This is definitely Minimalist influenced, and you're right, it's rather poppy (especially the intervals I love, 7th, 9th, etc.). And for that, I think it's closer to Torke. A friend of mine actually said that it reminds him of Michael Torke too. I agree, the ensemble had to learn 4 other works too, on top of trying to get this played. That recording you hear is the recording of the first time they played it without stopping (and they nearly stopped towards the end). It was quite a scary and suspenseful experience... You are sitting on the audience seat, knowing that it won't sound like you want it to sound like... not even in terms of speed or interpretation, but in terms of correct notes... Oh well, it was a great experience anyway!