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About Anton_K

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    Logic, Philosophy, Music
  • Favorite Composers
    Stravinsky, Mussorgsky, Reich, Rautavaara, Bartók, Revueltas, Dvořák, Wagner, Mozart, Bach
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Reaper, Guitar Pro
  • Instruments Played
    The piano, the guitar, the bass guitar

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  1. Thank you very much for listening and for your comments. As of now I haven't written a score, but I am going to do it based on the MIDI sequences, it will be a good exercise as it will require making it more realistically playable (the issue is not so much individual playability, but I have often written several voices on the same part with little caution). The names of the movements refer to hazardous asteroids which may crash on earth one day, and they were named by there discoverers after ancient deities (much like the planets). I've called these "Danses sur l'échelle de Palerme", which is a play on word with "ladder" and "scale", the Palermo scale being the standard for evaluating the likelihood of a large asteroid falling on earth. So these dances would be meant to appease the hazardous deities.
  2. I found this piece most impressive. It is delicate and you really achieve to take the most of each idea, moves feel centered on one impression developed at length, which surely fits a thematic suite. My favorite moves were Limbo, Lust - to me it really evoked its’ theme in an subtle, unexpected and truly damned way. I liked Fraud especially because it seemed more wandering and less tied to a pattern, but really engaged and far reaching, in a way akin to Grieg’s Aases Death which it made me think of at a particular moment. I felt that you sometime overused some themes in Avarice and Anger, maybe not the most interesting ones unfortunately, but this may be part of my personal cautiousness regarding dramatic themes. Overall a remarkable piece.
  3. This is the piece I talked about in my presentation. It mostly gathers my ideas of the past couple years, melodies that were running in my head when coming back home at night. I have composed it directly in a midi sequencer and it does not really abide any overarching formal constraint. I like it, because it was precisely what I wanted to hear, thinking “what would feel nice just next” and none of it felt forced to me (except when ending soli sometimes), but it is a way of making music I want to get away from since I want to begin again on good formal bases. Also please excuse the non-technicality and clumsiness of my talking about music. So my questions regarding feedback would be the following: 1) What does sound plain unpleasant to you? 2) Formally speaking, what are the weaknesses preventing it from being enjoyable? 3) What, if anything, would deserve development in your opinion? As for the flaws that I can non-technically perceive : i) Ideas tend to be underdeveloped, perhaps too fast and heterogeneous ii) Some solo phrases seem to go on for too long, I have often trouble ending solos in a way that feels justified. iii) I tended not to care about chord progressions which may sound gross to the educated listener. iv) Mouvement I is a bit uncouth and lacks ornaments So basically, I like it, but I recognize it has to be a bag of mistakes and since I am willing to start again from scratch in music, I am wondering what I should retain from this work, and would like to have your opinion. Thank you very much, I hope you’ll enjoy listening to this.
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