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Casper Belier

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Casper Belier last won the day on February 15 2017

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About Casper Belier

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  1. I'm really interested how my dude Messiaen used this in his works. i know he likes to stack chords on chords. but would like to know how it makes sense.
  2. Dear bkho, when you started the melody the first thing i thought about was pianist Tigran Hamasyan, he uses alot of grace note deco. ofcourse after listening to that man. i expected to hear different things. To be quite honest I think this is too classical for me to like. But i don't want to decourage you, (goddamnit moral dillemma.) let me end with something nice. Holland's women won the soccer world championship last year!
  3. Hello good composers! Before going into the topic, I think Messiaen describes the colours here very truthfully. When I'm making music I usually use some sort of structure or use chords I know will sound nice. In my head I'm humming along different voices. I do all this with feeling and emotion. But not with colour. Now I've seen the video above, and I think I have to reconsider my way. Do you compose/play with colours? For my and your interest in colours, I would like if you tell me which colours you see/hear with the folowing peice. Preludes pour piano(1929), Olivier Messiaen. I'm only talking about the first peice, you can hear from 00:00 to 02:00. My colourinterpretation. m1-3: the melody B is very orange, it's the 5th of E major, open sound. the topping chordal melody seem very cool, bluey. using mode of limited transposition 2. m4-6: The melody seems to get lost because it cant find an tonic, near the end it line out E major without the E. colour: magenta-grey. m7-8: Now we know we can't hope for the E major anymore. the story continues on a different path. colour: white glissandoing to purple. m9: the painful sound middle way up the measure would be a sharp, bright blood red, going back to the white-purple at the end of this measure. m10-11: the pain is still visible, so this has red but more opaque, smeared down. building back to the orange from m12, we can see a transition color in m11 consisting of white, orange and a little green. m12-19: the colours are the same as they repeat but this makes it also more easy to go through. I think the repetition factor makes this part less heavy. m20: purple. m21: I hear some greenery in this measure. m22-23: Very warm chord, definetly an orange. the minor 14th melody sounds disattached, two colours who marry an contrasting colour: black-pink Please share your colours, if you have any!
  4. Exactly what I"ve been waiting for, thank you luis!
  5. Messiaen Messiaen Messiaen. Anything related to his music would be good for me to learn.
  6. Someone please do an class on the compositional agents Olivier Messiaen used!
  7. I would like an weekly or bi-weekly young-composer lesson. Where an more seasoned composer gives an assignment to youngster composers to make certain musical forms or musical excersizes in certain scales. Things we can get wiser by. and provide an lesson. I would sign up for this. Interactive would be nicer, then just reading the lesson. Greetings
  8. CanI just say that when I got into jazz only a couple of weeks, i was listening to B.B. King and soul/ Blues music, just trying every music outlet to find new styles and ways of playing musicinto my head. Suddenly after 2 weeks of searching, I found my first jam! The man is Thierry Maillard. He is an French pianist/composeur, and I digged his style. Right now this man is making orchestal music. but I still remember him for this kind of music.
  9. Yes! heard this on radio wgbo it's like a really new way of playing the jazz, with much more hymn feeling than I have ever heard in the genre.
  10. Ik proef echt de vorming van ijskristallen in dit stuk! erg interessant en de moeite waard!
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