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About KyeroNelma

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  1. Thanks for the advice. I composed this piece almost two years ago when I had first begun composing, so I agree there's a lot left to be desired. The drums I use are the EWQLSO Concert Bass Drum, and I've never been too happy about it. I am definitely considering revisiting this piece with different software in the near future. Is there anything else specifically that you can tell me about places where it falls flat? Instrumentation, harmonic content, etc? Feel free to really nit pick it and dig in with as long or short a response as you care to provide. I'll be happy to listen to all that you have to say about it as I want to improve it and make it the best piece I possibly can.
  2. Like I said to Monarcheon, this was supposed to be short. It's a prelude of sorts to the main battle between the heroine and the main enemy and his thousands of minions. This is all detailed in the paragraphs before the piece.
  3. Describing a scene was the point of this piece, as I described in the paragraphs before the piece itself. This isn't any kind of main theme to the story itself, just a moment in time where our heroine is preparing herself for the big fight against the main villain and his thousands of minions.
  4. Hey guys, Kyero here! I composed this piece to go along with a fan fiction I wrote about a Dragon Ball Z style adventure focusing on a handful of Saiyans. The main heroine is named Era, and she and her comrades come face to face with their first major enemy who's power grossly outclasses theirs. Basically it's the Frieza of the story. Even so they stand strong and power up to fight, and it seems they are holding their own. But as the music changes, you begin to feel that perhaps things aren't going so well, and indeed they go very wrong very quickly as their enemy takes control and beats them down without resistance. Down, but not out, the Saiyans begin losing heart. However Era stands up once more to challenge this being, but again is beaten back and beaten down until she has no fight left. As she begins to realize that she's no match for this creature, her worst nightmare comes to life as he kills one of her comrades. And wouldn't you know it, it was her Commander. Though she didn't even realize it due to her pride and ignorance, she was in love and how he's gone forever. Her mind floods with memories of her fighting by his side and back to back with him against seemingly insurmountable odds, and she sheds silent tears of anguish and shock. But it seems that this was the ultimate trigger. She snaps, and all seems lost. But suddenly she begins a sudden, powerful, and violent transformation into something new. A shimmering golden aura surrounds her as she transforms into a Super Saiyan. This piece is long. 8:45 to be precise, and was meant to capture a visual of the battle I just described. I composed as I saw it unfold in my mind, so hopefully you can stand to listen to it in context using this general visual guideline because it sounds much more appropriate when you know the context. It is through music in that it only repeats one motif which appears and the rest is music that evolves and never repeats. I hope you enjoy!
  5. Hey guys! Kyero here! I am attaching a piece which is meant to be somewhat cinematic in style though I imagine it being played on a stage for a general audience just as easily. It was composed to go along with a visual story which exists in my head (though I aim to someday get it published). The story is that of a Dragon Goddess named Sil'Eph Niir who descends to Earth to prevent the resurrection of the ancient evil Dragon God Maglissos. However she is unsuccessful in preventing his return, and thus he does indeed come back and she must now stop him directly and by force. The piece that I'm attaching here is that of Sil preparing herself mentally and physically to battle with Maglissos, appropriately titled "Prepare O Goddess for Battle." It's very short, barely even a minute long, and contains a single motif throughout as a means of keeping it simple. The reason for its brevity is because it's something of a prelude to the main battle that's about to take place between Sil and Maglissos. This piece will lead directly into another (yet unwritten) and much larger piece. Though it's fairly raw and unmixed, I consider it one of my more solid works in this medium. The intended visual is that of Sil standing in an open field (in humanoid form) as she observes Maglissos and thousands of his minions of Darkness gathering on the horizon to challenge her. Imagine the camera watching from an over the shoulder view with Sil's hair just barely touching the camera's left side. Thus the camera backs away to a close up on her face as she glares defiantly at them and begins walking forward unimposed and prepares to take to her Dragon form and face off against her dark counterpart. I hope you enjoy!
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