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  1. Bleum


    Hi, This was a fun piece. The only critique I have is that it started out interesting but then became stylistically and compositionally conventional. Perhaps that was the aim here. The mixing was done quite well. Keep it up :) Warm beats, bleum//
  2. Bleum


    Thanks for your valuable feedback. im going to take each part into consideration and see how I can improve it. is there anything about the piece that you liked? -bleum.
  3. Bleum


    Hello :) Please listen to this demo;;; i'd appreciate all feedback. [this is in draft form] beats, -bleum
  4. this is absolutely beautiful -- i was deeply moved. thank you for sharing,,, //bleum.
  5. i like this, thank you for sharing. i felt the song could have been played with more emotion and fluidity. i listened to the violoncello version after listening to this and found the fluidity and emotion i was looking for. my critique has no theoretical basis and i am in no way knowledgable;; in fact, quite the contrary// blisses, bleum.
  6. this was peaceful and i could imagine the little insects around me in the forest;; this could be a nice background song for a world map in an RPG :) would like to listen to more from you. ps; soundcloud is easier to critique because there are no timestamps here ( at least for me ) . beats, bleum.
  7. Bleum


    I appreciate your feedback, thank you for listening. Monarcheon, I would really like to try out yours and LostSamurai's suggestions. - Do you mean perhaps creating a B Minor and B Major bassline for the piece? - Major highs and lows: I can see an opportunity for a low somewhere in the middle where i could place a 1 bar break and highs perhaps making the ending a bit more chaotic. Is this roughly what you mean? bleum//
  8. Bleum


    Thank you for listening LostSamurai. I apologise as I'm not very good at uploading content. I just uploaded a soundcloud link which should work better. bleum.
  9. Bleum


    Hello;;; i'd appreciate feedback on this track. mixing in process as still learning // creative inputs are very much appreciated. blisses,,, bleum edit: changes made; added bass like b major and minor chord elements.
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