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About DoctorPangloss

  • Birthday 09/10/1986

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  • Biography
    I am a lass who alas loves a lad who alas loves a lass in Canterbury. And I go to Capital University
  • Location
    Bexley, Ohio
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Acting, Violin, Composing, Hanging out, Being a dork

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  1. No prob. I love criticism so no need to apologize. I did do this before I had a better understanding of harmony, but there was some method to the madness. As for the romance aspect I totally respect your opinion as this was intended to be a push-the-envelope type of piece, but I certainly disagree. Thanks for your honest comment! I do love the Beethoven romances, though.
  2. Pretty self-explanatory I think.Hit me with your questions and comments! :)Happy listening. Romance for Violin and Orchestra
  3. I composed a draft of this about ten years ago and it was a complete mess. But despite the messiness, I found a lot of melodic passages that were worth saving, and so I re-orchestrated it recently in hopes of giving it a little more artistic merit. This piece is colorful to the point of melodrama and cheese on par with some of the music of Meat Loaf. I'm just warning you all ahead of time. It's the product of a teenager's imagination. Questions/Comments are welcome! :) Overture
  4. A piano piece whose title has eluded me for a year or two. Questions/Comments/Title suggestions are welcome! :)Note: Not being a pianist, I may be guilty of having composed one or two things that are physically impossible. Feel free to point those moments out. Untitled
  5. The Act 1 finale of "Pirate Hearts." Enjoy! Questions/Comments are welcome! :) The Calm Before The Storm
  6. It actually is supposed to be a bit monotonic. Contextually the song is sung by bar musicians (and often according to the patrons) and one of them interrupts the final verse by yelling "Sweet mercy, they're at it again! Make it stop!" Thanks for the feedback!
  7. Whoops! Yes, please move it. The score is more for lyric purposes. What exactly was wrong with the midi in the middle?
  8. The opening of "Pirate Hearts." This one is the unifying melody for the show. And yes, it is complete. In the show, the song is interrupted by a bar patron. Happy listening! :) My One And Only Home
  9. Another bit of music from "Pirate Hearts." Justice Will Be Done
  10. Another installment of music from "Pirate Hearts."Happy listening! :) The Brethren of the Coast
  11. A love duet between two characters of a show I composed for last summer. ("Pirate Hearts") Would love to hear feedback/suggestions! :) All That I Have
  12. A piano piece in three movements with a gypsy influence.If anyone with a good piano knowledge happens to listen to this and finds that I've written something physically impossible, I would love for that to be brought to my attention. :)Quentions/Comments are always welcome! La Gitana
  13. Thanks a lot. I'm glad to know I'm not the only NWC user either. Hahahaha. It can be kind of lame sometimes, but I've worked with it for so long that I can whiz through stuff pretty quickly.
  14. Shostakovich Symphony #5 I played it my senior year in high school with the All-State Orchestra, and then again with my college this past February. It's one of the darkest pieces of music I know and yet I still find it to be the most inspiring.
  15. Easily any of the Russians.
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