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About arellys

  • Birthday 04/14/1990

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    Brisbane, Australia
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  • Interests
    viola, violin, piano, singing, listen to classical + Japanese music, draw, try to speak Japanese

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  1. That is true, that is so true *evil glare* XD In our orchestra, the violas are (usually) fine... but it is an unfortunate tendency. It's because we're too polite. ... *guffaw* GOOD LUCK ELAINE THE SUPERCONDUCTOR TOMORROW~~!!!!!! XD
  2. This is my most recent composition that I have tentatively finished. It's for string orchestra MINUS bass because I wrote it for my school's string consort and we don't have any basses. It IS heavily based on the Thomas Tallis that you can hear in Vaughan William's Fantasia. Credits to him (VW) too. I haven't stolen anything though (and I don't even use the actual theme in it...) I say portraits in the title because it's pretty much different views of the Tallis, like a theme and variations. Which is why it's so choppy. I still think I'm just making excuses for it but I have to finish it very soon and... it could get out of hand. If I was motivated enough, I'd say that I'll come back and make it into a proper work, but I'm sure I won't. >_>;; Anyway, have a look and see what you think. It sounds absolutely shocking as a midi/sib file so... close your eyes and think of England, I dunno. I'll try and record it (it's being performed on the 21st) Thanks!! Portraits.sib Portraits.mid
  3. lol~~ yeah the cellos sucked today >______>;;;;
  4. WOAH we sound so much better than the midi. >_______>;;;;;;; lol. I reckon it's an awesome piece, but just as far as constructive criticism goes... I think that it would benifit from having a little counter melody here or there, I know seconds get the third beneath the firsts, but yeah. and when it evens out to everyone going quaver section~~~~~ with only one part having a soli/sole, it gets pretty boring for us.... XD;;;; But I like the drone for the bass. it sounds cool. :D
  5. Gospel? I wouldn't say gospel at all, but it's a great piece! Some of the more syncopated rhythms make it a little more upbeat which is nice and you've managed to make the IIb - V - I cadence sound cool, which is impressive. It doesn't quite sound like a choral piece, but that might just be because of the whole midi thing (the wind sound heaps better by the way), but you might want to slow it down a touch for choir... I could hear it being really quite slow and lovely echoes in a church. Anyway, great work!!
  6. arellys


    I like to memorise my pieces because you can communicate more with the audience when you're not staring at the music. But it takes me a while to memorise everything as well as be able to put feeling into the music. I used to be an instant memorise-er with the piano, but I'd often memorise a few notes wrong (or I'd modify it to make it sound better to my ear... XD) so it was frustrating for my teacher. Poor thing... >w<;;;
  7. Romance for Viola and Piano (Vaughan Williams) Sonata for Viola and Piano mvts I and II (Glinka) Fantasia IV (originally for violin, transposed for viola) (Telemann) I love Vaughan Williams and Glinka, but I'm bad at the Telemann... I'm more of a romantic girl >< The Glinka is very pretty and easy to play, and slightly schizo XD;; VW's Romance is beauuuuutiful but hard. But I'm motivated!!! yay...!
  8. YES. YES YOU DO. Viola is beautiful <3<3 I want to play cello ;____; But I don't have time or money or space...! And mum would freak if there was another stringed instrument in the house (both me and my brother play violin, I play viola, and we both have a guitar - not that we can play well >_>)
  9. I'm pretty sure that the upside down v is staccatissimo... but I couldn't tell you how to write marcato so : I'm not much help, sorry
  10. Formally, I'd say I specialise in viola, but I'm just as good with violin and I almost always compose with the piano. Occasionally I'll hum improvisations that sound good and I'll go from there XD I've only ever composed for piano, voice and strings, except earlier this year a tiny part for french horn... which was interesting. I'd have to research instruments or study them for a while before I'd be confident to compose for them, simply because I don't know what sounds good and limitations etc.
  11. Been playing piano since I was 7 after a false start with Suzuki technique when I was 5, but I stopped lessons when I was 12 :P I wish I didn't! I still play though, and am trying to re-learn... I'm about AMEB grade 6-7 standard. I played violin from when I was 9 and did AMEB grade 8 last year, but stopped lessons this year to concentrate on... THE VIOLA. I started when I was 14 (I'm 16 now) but because I play violin as well it only took me a couple of months to get my standard up to what I am on violin. Now I'm better on viola XD I'm doing Amus this year, which is a bit scary along with senior schoolwork. o_O;; I also sing soprano (no lessons or formal training) which is fun, and me + guitar = NOOB. But it's interesting! I desperately want to play the cello. It's a beautiful instrument.
  12. arellys


    I actually wrote the middle part with the choir all on the unison D first, so I think that the parts are a bit incongruous and don't flow that well. The ending sounds a gazillion times better with a real choir *A*;; The parts are weaving around each other, but with the midi it just sounds like they're banging out major seconds and hardly changing. The texture should (hopefully) be very different in real life. Thanks for commenting :P it makes me happy >w<;;;;
  13. Slurs will almost definitely be followed by the performers, unless they're muck up the bowing completely and even then will only be changed in the most unobtrusive way possible. In general, string players like to have the first beat of the bar on a downbow, so keep that in mind. If there is syncopation, however, then it depends on what feels good (I don't know your piece so I can't say any more specifically, sorry!) If, for example, you have a long section of quavers that you want staccato or spiccato (like in Mozart...), then you should put in the articulation for one or two bars and then you can say sim. However, if you're repeating it indefinitely, or with very small passages, then you have to put the articulation on every note. I hope that made sense! If you want, you can send the score to me (but I have only sibelius...) and I can give you more specific information.
  14. arellys


    A piece I did last year for my music assessment... Unfortunately I haven't been able to record it (it's for SSA, 2 pianos and cello) so you'll have to cope with the midi and sibelius file. My choir is currently practicing it so hopefully I can get a recording about June/July this year (but we have no cello and only one piano). It's hella hard XD;; I never expected it to be sung by a real choir so it was more of an intellectual exercise for me... anyway. I'm proud of it <3 Inspiration mostly from Stephen Leek's Ngana and various other pieces. LYRICS: (also by me) oh! sky. the empty mournful blue shines down in thoughtful radiance. a cloud, or two may flit across the face of one so hollow. oh! sky. the greying eye weeps, in shades of dull. And then.... The storm heralds its own coming in such triumph oh with raging calls to all who may lend their ear In vain, in vain it cries, it knows For who shall answer a stormcall? Fading.... blue. Comments greatly appreciated! composition_term 3.sib composition_term 3.mid
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