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  1. I enjoyed the arrangement quite a lot, someone else would be better commenting on the harmony, but the only improvement I would suggest right now is to adjust where the third instrument (violin) comes in, at 19 seconds. I found it quite jarring for this new part with the rest of the instruments coming in slightly later and not in time with the original beat. I don't know if you wanted to slow the piece down or create a more unexpected entrance for this instrument, which can work and I feel if you eased into it, it maybe could've worked a lot more smoothly. It also happens at 31 seconds, might just be me who feels this, I still enjoyed the piece though :)
  2. Oh my bad, thank you for saying though. 0:33 - I didn't intend for this to be harmonically coherent, as it was used as sound effects (if you can call it that), but it also wasn't meant to clash to the point of being distracting. So if it sounded awkward let me know and i'll look out for it. 0:54 and 2:54 - These were intended, as I wanted to add some colour to the harmony and I didn't think any problems were caused, but then my ears are no where near as trained as yours are, so if it sounded awkward let me know. Thanks again, Rowan.
  3. Hey guys, I've started leaning towards a more ethereal soundscape. This isn't something I could see being performed due to the amount of effects. Please let me know what you think, it'll help me a lot. Thanks, Rowan
  4. would I be able to enter? sorry I havn't been very active on this forum guys, got a lot more time now though.
  5. Thanks man, never had my work described as edgy before, but yeah I believe I lowered it in volume and we took it out for the last part i guess i just didnt lower it enough. Thanks for the reply, Rowan.
  6. Sections built nicely and in nearly all of the sections all parts were clear. the only one that wasn't clear was the section with the synth involved as it took over the mix in a mainly due to the distortion making it harder to hear other things which were adding so much more. Its a nice idea to help change the the piece up and make it more interesting but i would've liked it to be kept in the piece as it progressed further especially with how prominent it was. The only other thing I feel i can comment on is the harmony which at some points like 1:11 portrayed uplifting and fulfilling emotions which i wouldn't usually associate with a villain, although I am only going from the title here and you might of been trying to present something completely different. I would like to comment more on how your melodies and rhythms interacted but i dont really feel qualified, so all i can say is they were great. Thanks, Rowan.
  7. This was meant to be the theme for a villain at the height of his powers. I've already had one comment on one part of the harmony but please let me know if theirs any other stuff within the piece that you find distracting, as I can only see the symbols near the start as one of the main problems. Thanks Rowan.
  8. I get what you mean about the inversions making it seem like a different key I didn't consider that as much when writing as i was more focused on the flow of each voicing. I also can see how the stutter can be more of a distraction as I didn't execute it very well especially as the piano is left trailing while everything else has stopped. Thanks for the help in hindsight I will make sure I dont rush to put up my piece. Thanks, Rowan.
  9. Sorry if this is a hassle but would you be able to expand on what you have said for points :18 :26 and :47 as I cant pin point where I have gone wrong for example what about the G over C was awkward. This first section is in the key of C lydian which feels like G at points until the C reinforces the lydian feel. This created some ambiguity between the key which I liked but this may be why you considered it to be strange. Thankfully I do not want this piece performed live otherwise I agree the piano would be way too difficult to play. Also the 'audio recording' you were referring to im guessing was either the lofi sound i created in the first section or the stutters and cuts at the end of the first section. If so this was intentional as I thought it added to the surprise that the listener would get when the second section comes in. Thanks for the feed back, Rowan.
  10. Really solid piece man! The atmosphere and mood you created held up well throughout the piece, also the thinner more lofi sounding section helps add vunerability to the melodies which I loved. My only reservation is the production on the strings (guessing 1st and 2nd violins but I'm not great at orchestration yet) as i felt they lacked an edge making them slightly too unclear for me at times. A high end boost around may do it to bring more of the bowing sound out but this would depend also on what else has been done. Other than that keep going it's great.
  11. I was given several picture of and vast and vibrant jungle to produce a piece for and this is what I ended up with. I already have some reservations that I can work on in my next piece but I also wanted an outside opinion to help me improve. If there's anything you like or dislike please let me know it'll help so much. Thanks, Rowan.
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