Hi everyone! I am new here. My friend is a composer but I'm more of a producer and I would love to come here to study from you all. I play the keyboard. I know my intervals and basic chords, C 7th and 9th etc but i'm not classical trained.
I have a question. Do any of you write the score into a sheet first before performing/recording it? My friend doesn't record but he writes through Finale Notepad. He then render the midi and replaces the instrument using Kontakt libraries. I don't write. I normally just think of a chord progression as I place my finger on my keyboard and sitting for hours trying to find a good melody and I just click the record button inside Cubase and run with it. To me this is still consider composing. The difference is I just don't write it on the score sheet. I can't read music sheet, but I'm really good with my ears. My friend writes and he is fast! His composition are pretty good even though he doesn't record it himself. He just load the midi inside his DAW before they get replace by instruments. The performance turn out so well, while mine is so messy. lol. This year, I decided to focus more on the writing aspect, I need to get some ideas first before I can start recording. My style is Celtic or anything that is slow and not so vigorous. Is there anybody who can help me write a composition? Where do I start? And why do I need to write music into sheet when I can just think of it in my head and play the keyboard and record at the same time?