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VovaTrykoz last won the day on April 16 2021

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About VovaTrykoz

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  1. Hi, I would be interested in something like this. I am currently a college student in a CS program and wouldn’t mind a part-time job on the side. I have not actually worked with JavaScript, but I have worked with C#, C++ and C and I also have some TypeScript and XML familiarity. I view myself as a quick learner so I don’t think I would have huge problems understanding JavaScript considering my baggage. All in all, this seems to be an interesting project for someone who has interest in both music composition and programming. I find that the two have quite a bit in common. Therefore, I would love to discuss this project in more detail!
  2. @Joe SipznerSorry for a late reply, just wanted to thank you for listening and providing your thoughts!
  3. @AngelCityOutlawSorry for a late reply, for some reason I didn't recieve mail notifications in case someone answers like I usually do. Just wanted to thank you for taking your time to listen and providing feedback!
  4. @MJFOBOEThanks for the feedback! Really appreciate you taking the time to listen!
  5. Hi everyone! I wanted to share this piece that I wrote called "Enchanted Forest", isnpired by the music for fantasy games. I wanted to describe a dangerous walk through an enchanted forest. I chose to represent that by having the melody and the harmony not stay in one key, but rather switch between different keys and modes, as if the melody "got lost" in the forest. Any feedback on everything (from composition to mixing and mastering) is appreciated!
  6. @AngelCityOutlaw Thanks, appreciate you taking the time to listen!
  7. @PeterthePapercomPoser Thanks for taking your time to listen and sharing your thoughts! After your comment I realized that some people might want to look at the score, so I'll attach it here:
  8. Hi, This is a piece I wrote inspired by desert imagery and it features a combination of tradtionall and symphonic instruments. Just thought I'd drop this one here. Any feedback and/or comments are appreciated! EDIT: The score for the piece is in the down in the "reply" section of the forum post
  9. @chopin Hi Mike, I am interested in helping you create music for your promo video. I could send you a few deoms of the promo-type music, but I’d much rather try to write something original for your product specifically. Maybe if you already have some styles or instrumentation in mind? If so, I could write something in accordance with your specifications. I could also write music for your clip first and you can see if you like it or not. That is of course, if you already have some footage. Also, I could probably help you with the MusicJotter. I don’t know which language you are using, but I do have extensive C# knowledge. If that’s the one, I might be interested in joining the development of this product So in general, would you be interested in me trying to create a demo specifically for you and maybe scoring your promo clip? Alternatively, I can just send you a portfolio with my commercially-oriented music. Best Regards, Vova
  10. @Rabbival507 Thanks for your feedback!
  11. Hi everyone! I am not 100% sure which category does this exactly track fit the most in, but I think this one could work. This is a small experiment I did. I wanted to write something different from my usual works. Among other things, I used some microtonality in this piece, which is the first time I have actually used it. Any thoughs or feedback on anything, from instrumentation to mixing are greatly appreciated!
  12. @gmm Hi! Just wanted to let you know I appreciate you listening to my track and leaving some feedback! Sorry it took me so long to respond, I didn't get any notifications about your responce for some reason. Anyway, thanks again for taking your time and sharing your thoughts!
  13. Thank you for responding! And thank you for the feedback as well!
  14. @Bělásek Thanks for the feedback! Yes, you are right, it is 3 trumpets that play the melody in unison. Your comment also made me realize that it migh be good to include the score as well, so here it comes attached to this message!
  15. Hi everyone! I've been thinking about writing some stuff for fantasy inspired settings (like WoW, Skyrim etc.). I've come up with these ideas and there were quite a few of them, and thus I decided to put them all together in one suite. Any feedback is appreciated!
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