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About shayolden

  • Birthday 08/05/1985

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  1. aye, i came on here 6 months ago and posted that I had written my first song and asked for some feedback. well, since then ive done a lot more muckin around with guitar pro 5 and ive come up with all sorts of random pieces of music, which i hope you will listen to for me and let me know what you think. thanks! mad but needs fixin midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/madbutneedsfixin.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/madbutneedsfixin.gp5 fix up the ds midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/fixuptheds.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/fixuptheds.gp5 my own guitar mayhem midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/my%20own%20guitar%20mayhem.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/my%20own%20guitar%20mayhem.gp5 little jingle midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/little%20jingle.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/little%20jingle.gp5 And the following two were made with my the help of my friend dane (for whom this is also his first time writing music) by writing the lead melody. new house midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/newhouse.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/newhouse.gp5 sheldon smells midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/Sheldon%20smells.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/Sheldon%20smells.gp5 And for those who missed it, my first ever attempt at writing music (more complete than the mucking around above). The Start of Something Not So Good midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/the%20start%20of%20something%20not%20so%20good.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/the%20start%20of%20something%20not%20so%20good.gp5 Ew, I just listened to these as midis and they sound terrible. Use guitar pro to listen if youve got it.
  2. aye thanks, wow i didnt expect so much feedback, i havent been here in a while, but err i added some stuff to it, so listen up, and keep sending in your feedback. actually since then ive written some more stuff, learning all the time. yes that was my first attempt at writing music so im really glad for all the encouragement. ill put all my other stuff into a new post. so heres the current version of something not so good. midi: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/the%20start%20of%20something%20not%20so%20good.mid gp5: http://qwtf.c00n.com/music/the%20start%20of%20something%20not%20so%20good.gp5
  3. sounds good, ill get onto it.
  4. found on ebay in 1 second, im sure there is plenty of other copies floating around there. eBay Australia: PINK FLOYD THE WALL 103 PAGES OF WORDS & MUSIC C.1980 (item 250095650227, end time 25-Mar-07 17:00:00 AEST)
  5. Yep, right you are. Lengthened out the intro and I think it sounds a bit nicer. Also changed the last chord of the second section from V to I, I think it helps the flow a little. the start of something good3.mid As for variation I'd like to add another section, but the two sections seem to flow reasonably well between each other, I'm not sure how I could implement a bridge like section. Also, it needs an outro I think. Any ideas?
  6. Aye, This is my first attempt at writing any sort of music, I've not studied music or anything so I dont really know what I'm doing. I wrote this in Guitar Pro 5 over the last couple of days and I dunno where to go with it. It's sort of rock n roll (without a vocal melody at the moment). Any thoughts / suggestions? Also, what programs do you guys use? the start of something good2.mid
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