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  • Instruments Played
    Violin and Oboe

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  1. Cello Song.pdf Well, here is my submission for cello and piano. Any feedback would be highly appreciated. I hope after this, I can go from not really knowing what I'm doing to having a somewhat good understanding of how to write music for cello, and improving my music composition skills in general. Thanks
  2. Is there still room to sign up for the masterclass, and is there a level of expertise that I need to get or are beginners welcome too? I only have knowledge over violin music so writing cello would be a fun learning experience for me. Thanks
  3. Maybe explanation of a lot of the terms used in music composition, tricks for harmony and counter melody writing would be my want-to-knows.
  4. I would be down to try this out. Oboe for me and I do have MuseScore 2. Do I need to have a certain amount of experience or is this purely for fun? And is it too late to join?
  5. Ranger

    Oboe Duet

    I really appreciate your feedback! @Ken320 I actually kind of lied about me not ever composing as I did "compose" a 20 second cadenza with my teachers help in 3rd grade, but I still have a lot to learn. I don't understand why writing it as you mentioned would make it better, as it is the same thing, so some explanation would be nice. @fishyfry Will do, I have never tried to sing it or play it on my oboe but I think it should help make my piece better.
  6. Ranger

    Oboe Duet

    Hello, This is an oboe duet where I try to compile various rhythm ideas together into one piece. This is the first time I have ever composed music, so any suggestions would be amazing. I hope you enjoy!
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