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Delian Academy New Music

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  1. DELIAN ACADEMY FOR NEW MUSIC International Academy for Composers & Sound Artists 8 - 17 June 2018 Mykonos, Greece DESCRIPTION The Delian Academy for New Music is an international summer academy for composers and sound artists located on the island of Mykonos, Greece. Curated under the auspices of Georges Aperghis and Grypario Cultural Center, the Academy derives its name from the nearby island of Delos, the birthplace of god Apollo, and a UNESCO world heritage site. Unlike top-down organization programs, our Academy is a participant-driven meeting where attendees co-decide and create the agenda for a series of symposia, workshops, and concerts with the guidance of faculty and staff. The 2018 edition will take place from 8 June to 17 June in Grypario Cultural Center of Mykonos. Participating composers will have the chance to take part in masterclasses, presentations, workshops and have their music performed by our ensembles in residence. The main language of the Academy will be English. Additional languages may be used in private masterclasses. WHO WE ARE GEORGES APERGHIS, Honorary President FACULTY FOR 2018: MICHAEL FINNISSY, Composition ELAINIE LILLIOS, Electroacoustic Composition DIMITRI PAPAGEORGIOU, Composition ALEXANDROS SPYROU, Artistic Director ENSEMBLES IN RESIDENCE FOR 2018: TRIO ACCANTO www.trio-accanto.com ZONE EXPÉRIMENTALE www.zoneexperimentale.ch PARALLEL PROGRAMS -Electroacoustic Workshop with Elainie Lillios Sound in Nature – Sound in Space The 2018 Delian Academy electroacoustic workshop will explore sound in nature and space, and how these elements can be creatively expressed in both fixed media and mixed (instrument/electronics) composition. Participants will investigate the varied and beautiful soundscape environments on Mykonos and surrounding islands, capturing its sounds and sceneries through field recording activities. We will also engage with sound environments through Deep Listening exercises, including soundwalks and sound improvisations. Other discussion topics will include electroacoustic techniques, critical listening, sound in space, and electroacoustic literature. -Experimental Collaboration with Guest Artist Jana Luksts -Half-day trip and field recording in Delos APPLY APPLICATION DEADLINE: 15 DECEMBER 2017 Please visit www.delianacademy.com for more information and application form.
  2. CALL FOR COMPOSERS: Delian Academy for New Music DELIAN ACADEMY FOR NEW MUSIC International Academy for Composers & Sound Artists June 12 - 19, 2017 Mykonos, Greece WHO WE ARE The Delian Academy for New Music is an international summer academy for composers and sound artists located on the island of Mykonos, Greece. Curated under the auspices of Georges Aperghis and Grypario Cultural Center, the Academy derives its name from the nearby island of Delos, the birthplace of god Apollo, and a UNESCO world heritage site. Unlike top-down organization programs, our Academy is a participant-driven meeting where attendees co-decide and create the agenda for a series of symposia, workshops, and concerts with the guidance of faculty and staff. The 2017 edition will take place from June 12 to June 19 in Grypario Cultural Center of Mykonos. Participating composers will have the chance to take part in masterclasses, presentations, workshops and have their music performed by our ensemble in residence. The main language of the Academy will be English. Additional languages may be used in private masterclasses. FACULTY AND STAFF GEORGES APERGHIS, Honorary President PANAYIOTIS KOKORAS, Acoustic and Electronic Composition, Music Technology DIMITRI PAPAGEORGIOU, Composition ALEXANDROS SPYROU, Artistic Director ENSEMBLE IN RESIDENCE OERKNAL The Delian Academy for New Music is excited to collaborate with Oerknal, a collective of young professional musicians based in The Netherlands. Selected composers can submit a new or existing piece to be performed in Grypario Concert Hall in Mykonos. The available instrumentation is flute, clarinet, piano, violin and violoncello. Any combination, from solo to quintet with or without electronics is welcome. APPLY APPLICATIONS DEADLINE MARCH 5, 2017 1. All applications must be submitted by email at delian.academy@gmail.com 2. Please submit the following: - Biography - 2-3 scores (pdf) and recordings (mp3). The submitted works do not need to match the instrumentation available. - Application letter including name, surname, email, phone number, website (if available), and category of participation (1 or more) you would like to be considered for. - Letter of scholarship application (if needed) 3. In case you need to share large files through a file hosting service (e.g. dropbox, wetransfer etc.) please make sure the link remains active until the selection process. 4. There are no age or nationality restrictions 5. There is no application fee 6. All applications will be evaluated by faculty members in cooperation with our ensemble in residence. The Delian Academy for New Music does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or gender identity. All individuals are encouraged to apply. Please visit www.delianacademy.com for more information
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