Thank you so much for the constructive feedback! Yes, it is indeed a little repetitive in the beginning as the layers slowly build. I will definitely have a look at it! The middle section with all the polyphony was quite experimental for me and I was trying to present counter-melodies against the acoustic guitar but yes, I can see why it can sound a little clashy with all the hustle and bustle but I will slowly learn! Hehe! I sing too much baroque in Choir...
In terms of the ending, in my head, it was always a modulation into B flat major from D minor and ending on the sub-dominant chord. I am for some reason in love with unresolved cadences. Mozart would have definitely shot me. XD
I have never had composition classes so a few of the things you have explained to me are completely new but I understand them! I am still a music student and I'm not even old enough to go to university yet! I do wonder how the demographic on this forum is like considering the name of it. Anyway, I have much to learn.There is a reason a lot of composers hated their earlier works after all. ^^