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  1. Hi there, I postet this piece almost exactly five years ago in a very early version (it was actually more of a MIDI mockup) and now in the last few weeks I've been working on it again very intensively. The whole thing was recorded with new and – hopefully – more realistic orchestral samples and re-arranged here and there. I would be happy to get some feedback, especially on the mix or the sound in general and what could be improved. Synthetically realizing an entire orchestra on a PC is really a science in itself (at least for me) and I must honestly admit that it took me at least two to three times as long for recording and mixing in the sequencer that for the actual composition in the notation program. https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=674265 As a video with excerpts from both score and sequencer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1qQsuz7TPg Thanks for your feedback :) Dustin
  2. At last, here is the complete film excerpt, to which this piece as well as two more cues were originally written: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1Op4EXgQk0 The film itself is obviously very trashy and extremely LOW-BUDGET (shot in 2005 with a discounter camcorder), but I was primarily interested in the opportunity to finally write film music in the musically incredibly rewarding fantasy genre. Hope you'll enjoy it! :)
  3. Thanks, glad you like it. :) I think I'll post a link to the final film sequence as soon as the last part of the music is finished.
  4. Hi there, for a long time I wanted to write something like this: a flamboyant "final fight" track with broad, heroic themes swirling above driving ostinati. http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_songInfo.cfm?bandID=674265&songID=13676086 Originally this piece belongs to the score I wrote for a student film project realised many many years ago. The music was produced via a MIDI-based digital sequencer and of course orchestral sample libraries. Unfortunately, the London Symphony Orchestra was just too busy at the moment for a recording session. :P While the last bars in asymmetrical 7/8 meter surely feel a bit overloaded (with syncopated choir fills and such), I am quite happy with the overall arrangement and the final mix. But maybe I am a little bit biased since I listened to it too often and it's just chaos to your ears... 😉 If you have some hints on how to improve the mix, sound, orchestration etc. please feel free to let me know. Best regards, Dustin
  5. Hi there, while there is a plethora of student films in the drama, action and comedy section I never came across anyhting close to fantasy. Consequently, up-and-coming film composers looking for first experiences in different genres don't have the opportunity to practise their skills on a fantasy production, which really is a shame considering the multifarious musical options that particular genre offers. However, just recently in my parent's attic I stumbled over an old camcorder which my brother and his mates used many many years ago (around 2005) to shoot their own little fantasy flic called "The Dagger Deliverance", set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting, famous for entries such as Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights or the D&D pen-and-paper roleplaying game. Though it's obviously an extremely LOW budget fan film production, which in its entirety never was finished, they put a lot of hard work into it and some scenes just have a wonderful amateurish and naive charme to it. ;) Unfortunetly, all of the finished and survived sections of the film use temp-track music (mostly from well-known feature films of that genre), thus it is impossible to re-score it without also having to re-dub all the sound and dialogue tracks. Seeing no other way, I ported the original raw material from the analogue camcorder, re-edited together three suceeding scenes, applied some sound and visual effects and voilà: here you have your fresh amateur fantasy film template for film scoring exercise! :D Since I had to use the sound originally recorded on set, the few dialogue passages are in German. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV5ecE6aHUE You can use the film and audio material provided here under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC-BY 4.09: :) Have fun! Being a hobbyist composer myself I am still working on my own score for these scenes and probably will upload my approach on this in the next few weeks. Dustin
  6. Thanks for your insights, glad you like it. :) And yes, Monarcheon, in retrospect I felt exactly the same about that particular scene...
  7. Howdy, I tried my best to compose the score to a little horror production called „Sarah”, a short film (18-19 min) produced by film students from all departments about a series of murderous events around a remote cabin the woods. It was executed for educational purpose only; nobody involved got any money. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVx9Q85qQ40 However, I am eager to get some early feedback on the music, especially some hints concerning the mix and the overall sound. Is it realistic enough? If not, what sucks the most? Of course, there were no real accoustic instruments involved. Fell free to tel me what you think about it. :) Maybe you'll recognize the major motif (a falling fourth/tritone shift) here or there. ;) Best regards Dustin
  8. Since I wasn't entirely satisfied with the MIDI-based recording of my orchestral version I transcribed it for solo piano. I tried to stay as true as possible to the original orchestral version, especially in keeping the bass ostinato as well as the off-beat fills for pizzicato strings beneath the melody vocings. Maybe one or two of you here find it interesting to watch all the different voices in action. Hope you'll enjoy.
  9. Thanks a lot, Wassim. :) You have some great tracks on soundclud, too! Defnitely, for the next version there will some volume velocity increases.
  10. Hey, thanks a lot for yourfeedback, really appreciate it! Indeed, you made some good points concerning the coda. I certainly will rework this piece someday (particularly to apply some stronger midi modifiers for humazition effects and more overall reverb). On this occasion, there also will be also some major adjusments for a final build-up.
  11. Sounds nice to me, good work :)
  12. Hi there, I spent the last days working on this little tune... https://www.soundclick.com/artist/default.cfm?bandID=674265 ...a somewhat rhythmically driven (almost march-like) medieval/fantasy theme soundtrack theme. It's build upon a (hopefully) heroic melody and is intended to accompany the travel montage of a fantasy epic (game/film). If you have some handy tips, especially concerning the mix, please do not hesitate to share your insights. :) Best regards Dustin
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