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francoisfj last won the day on June 27 2022

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  1. This is beautiful, you succeed in creating a pleasant foggy atmosphere, and the various rhythms are very interesting. I also liked the extensive use of the pedal, and great performance as well! Hope to hear more of your pieces in the future
  2. Thank you! I thought it would be easier to write the piano part in one stave, especially because of the held notes. I suppose it is indeed clearer for performers to write it on the two staves.
  3. I'm glad you liked it : ) I think your description is spot on, thanks for the comment! François
  4. Thanks for the feedback! I think that's a great point, there are too many tempo indications, I will simplify this 🙂 For the copyright status, I think it's in the pubic domain after a hundred years? I found the poem online for free, so I assume that's the case as well. I can check further but thanks for pointing that out!
  5. Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you liked the piece 🙂 Regarding the duplets, they are indeed equivalent to dotted eight notes, but I wasn't sure which notation to use!
  6. Thanks for the feedback! The climax for this piece I think is supposed to be after measure 25, but maybe it isn't enough indeed. I'm glad you liked the structure, because I was worried it may be a little too segmented.
  7. Here is the poem in french and its translationto english after: Les sanglots longs Des violons De l'automne Blessent mon coeur D'une langueur Monotone. Tout suffocant Et blême, quand Sonne l'heure, Je me souviens Des jours anciens Et je pleure; Et je m'en vais Au vent mauvais Qui m'emporte Deçà, delà, Pareil à la Feuille morte. Autumn Song With long sobs The violins Of autumn Wound my heart With languorous Monotony. All choking And pale, when The hour sounds, I remember Departed days And I weep; And I go Where ill winds blow, Buffeted To and fro, Like a Dead leaf.
  8. Hello again, I'm posting a lot lately... This will probably the last one in a while! I am sending this score to a competition, I would be grateful if you could provide me with some of your feedback. I am also worried about the score, I may not be familiar with all the conventions or the proper way of writing the score, if you could point me towards mistakes or things to improve it would be really great! This is a song for mezzo-soprano voice and piano, based on the poem of Paul Verlaine 'Chanson d'Automne'. The audio is software generated, and I was not pleased with the voice playback of the software so I substituted the voice to a clarinet (but the actual piece is for voice and piano). Lastly, the score in the video is not the updated score (I have included the updated one separately as a pdf). I have removed things such as slurs in the voice part where it is not appropriate. Thank you! François
  9. Thank you! I'm glad you liked it 🙂 I agree with you about the ending, the digital interpretation doesn't play the ritarndando like I intended. And thanks for pointing out the 4/4 at the beginning, I'll update it. I feel like the part at measures 23-24 would work indeed, but somehow I'm not completely satisfied with it. On the other hand, I hadn't been able to come with something better for it, so I might just leave it. Thanks for your input! François
  10. Hello again 🙂 This is another piece I wrote for the piano, a nocturne. It has multiple sections and a repeating main theme. I would be happy to have your opinions of it if you have any, I may send it to someone and would like to know what you think. The part I'm most worried about is the transition at bars 23-24, I'm not so sure about it. Unfortunately, the audio is software generated, I haven't had the time to play the piece with all the modifications I made. Thanks : ) François
  11. Thank you for the comment! I understand your point. I think I might try your suggestions, it's an interesting point you mention. My idea was that the piece grows in dynamics and emotions gradually then slowly calms down. I'm glad you enjoyed the beginning of the piece, the space is the impression I was trying to create indeed. François
  12. Beautiful, I really enjoyed it. I also like the change of the key at the end, and the duplet melodic motive.
  13. Thanks for your feedback! Indeed, I don't follow the tempo too strictly. Because I change the tempo often, I decided not to go with the broad tempo markings such as 'Adagio' because then I wouldn't know how to indicate the various different tempos accurately. And I do use the 'meno' for dynamics, maybe it is redundant in some places indeed. Usually I use the decrescendos to indicate dynamic changes within a phrase and the dynamic markings for the general marking of the section, I don't know if that's the usual convention though, so it may be confusing! François
  14. Hello, I wanted to share this piece of mine called 'Ombres et Lumières' (Lights and Shadows). It's about a walk in a quiet landscape where light is scattered through. I would like to hear your feedback about it if you have any, I personally like it but I worry it might seem a little slow (especially at the beginning). I have included a (imperfect) recording I made of the piece, as well as the score. Thanks 🙂 François
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