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Bjarke last won the day on March 29

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  1. Here is a short lullaby i am working on. I was hoping to get some critique on. Thanks.
  2. You are welcome and that make sense. However i would recommend that each piece should be able to be a standalone piece yet continuously work together further moving the drama forward for a more impact full listening experience. James Horner does this for example very well In his film scores such as Krull, Star trek the wrath of khan, and others.
  3. after a quick listen if you want some feedback I think this needs more contrast in terms of instrumentation at least like what happens at around 1 minutes and 40 seconds. Nuances in all aspects is good for the ear but if you stay to long for the same instrumentation, tonality, what ever it may become boring for the ear as is quickly get used to the sound. Instead of the Guitar (i think) Having the main theme always try to give it to other instruments. Let them have sort of conversation so the speak where maybe the strings have the main theme then the Guitar becomes background element and then the Guitar takes over instead of mostly having the theme. I just think switching the main focus here and there could improve it overall. Maybe also some Rythmic variations as the Rythm or tempo seem to be constant through out. Maybe a few Nuances here could help as well. I also think that the piece starts too sudden maybe spend a few minutes building up to it. It feels sort of like starting at a climax at the piece. If you want some listening recommendation i would recommend Mozart - Jupiter fourth movement (as it demonstrates what i am talking about regarding instruments having a conversation) Maybe some music from Ramin Djawadi some of his horror music? Like Slender Man, Game of thrones? Maybe Penderecki - Threnody for inspiration. Overall i think the concept is really promising. Good work.
  4. Orchestral sketch.mp3 Orchestral piano sketch.pdfHello. Here is a Piano sketch for a longer orchestral work. The piece is about the expressing the feeling of flight. Any feedback is welcome. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hello dear folks. This is an attempt at the 3 handed piano effect. Any feedback would be awesome especially regarding how well the piece developed and the form of the piece so far. Thank you very much. Best regards. Bjarke. 3 hand concert piece effect - Flow 1.mp3
  6. Sounds pretty good and thanks for your comment on my composition before 🙂 If I were to give some feedback I think more rythmic varity could maybe improve the piece. Your continuity seems really good which is important but i feel like after some time the rythm becomes too predictable. My guess is to get the listner excited throughout it would add some extra with more varity in the rythm. Maybe a variation on the rythm and more modulation? I think you had a really intersting harmonic language in the piece. Kind regards. Bjarke.
  7. piano concerto 1 finale version version 1.014 - Version 1.mp3 piano concerto no 1.pdf Thanks @veps For the feedback 🙂 Sorry for the late reply. I have made some progress on the piano concerto. I don't think I will orchestrate it right away as it's in early stages still but it will be in the future. Near the end of what i have right now I tried to compose a contrasting theme. Hope I can get some more feedback.
  8. Thanks for the feedback Henry! I am actually revisitting the piece so I will keep that in mind for the next version. I am actually trying to make it a habit of revisitting pieces since it seems to be a practice of the old composers.
  9. Hello Everyone. I am currently working on my first piano concerto. Any feedback is much welcomed. I have about two minuts of music so far. Thank you. Piano concerto no 1 sketech.pdf piano concerto 1 finale version version 1.008 - Flow 1.mp3
  10. A quick compostion i made in a hour. Any feedback is welcomed. Thank you.
  11. looks very complex and interesting!. Would be awesome to hear the piece.
  12. Very nice piece. Makes me think of schubert lieder for some reason. I think one critique i have is that in the first four bars which are the intro you use something slightly diffrent than the main ideas in bar 5. To have a more clear feel of clear continuation try to think more of variation of the same ideas instead of thinking of completly new ideas. The new ideas must somehow be born from a previous idea or be related some way. I would recomend listening to Schuberts lider to get an idea of what I mean 🙂
  13. Very nice again! My suggestion would be try out diffrent forms. You seem to be able to compose an A/B Form very well. it's good to have a lot of tools in our toolkit as a composer and one of the ways to exspand our toolkit is to try out new things 🙂
  14. Very nice piece and very clear form. Good job. I think what could make this piece better is more modulation. For example in The A part we hear the the motiff on H,B I think at least 3 times on the same tones. My guess is that it would be more exciting for the ear if you would modulate the same idea to diffrent tones maybe at most repeating the idea twice. In the first bar there is no third which is what determind if it's major or minor so to make it more clear we are in g major maybe add the third in somehow? Maybe in the bass? (like you do in bar 5 for example) If my teacher where to critiquing this he would say there is a parralel fifth from bar 4 to 5 which you should try to aviod. This may just be my opinon but I feel like you are using a lot of diffrent ideas which is great because it shows a lot of creativity but maybe simplify it and focus more on develop your current ideas? You do it already but I think it could be simplfied a little more maybe. (I would recomend studying mozart since he was a master of simplicity) Something that could spice it up a little maybe would for example be that you have an idea Melody right hand. Accompaniment Left hand. But what if you switch those up sometimes? Not a must but just a suggestion. This may also just be me but i feel like the cadance could be more clear somehow for the ear. I think it might be a harmony "problem" For example you have a G in the bass and a F# in the melody which is a very dissoance tone. Maybe it would make sense to stand on the dominant? (D major) or in bar 28 stand on the dominants dominant which would be a major which would also lead to D major which you uses in bar 13. just an idea. So in conclusion my suggestion would be to simplyfy more. Develop more(for good idea on how to develop an idea study Chopin's etudes. His etudes a basically a masterclass on developing "simple" ideas to their fullest potential) Maybe study harmony some more? (I used to study four part harmony maybe that would help?) Hope i wasn't too harsh. Keep composing! And very good work!. Kind regards. Bjarke.
  15. Hey guys. Thanks for your comments. I made some updates since the last version. Would be happy to get your feedback on the new version. Thank you in advance.
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