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Bjarke last won the day on October 6 2024

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  1. Hello everyone. Hope's everyone is doing well. I finally have a new composition after working on it for a while. Feel free to critique anything you notice. Thanks in advance. flight dorico.pdf
  2. I figured instead of posting them seperately which might make too many posts (spam) I thought it may be best to post them in one topic. Here is my lates compositions from the last 24 hours. '
  3. Here is an other attempt at composing for piano and viola. I think it took me 2-3 hours to compose roughly. Any feedaback as always is highly welcomed and appriciated. Thanks.
  4. Thanks everyone for your feedbacks and compliments! @PeterthePapercomPoser Actually regarding the picture it might be but i can't comfirm as it was really just some random picture which i found on a website i can download image for free xD This speed composition i believe took less than 3 hours i believe maybe around 2 hours? I usually do my speed composition in a few hours but if they are longer than 2 minutes it usually require more days. Thanks all again! πŸ™‚
  5. Hope its okay i share a youtube link. I thought it turned out pretty good. Any feedback is highly apreciated as always. Thanks.
  6. Composed this in a few hours. Attempt at trailer music style. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Thank you as well @PeterthePapercomPoser πŸ™‚
  8. Thank you so much @Henry πŸ™‚
  9. Hello all. Here is a short composition for Piano and Viola as the title says. This composition is made for two muscian students at my music school i go to which will be performed later this year I think. Title is still in progress. Any feedback is highly appreciated. Thank you. Best regards. Bjarke.
  10. Wow Adamich It's really awesome to see you on the forum I didn't knew you where here too. just to clearify I am focusmrbjarke from youtube and as you know I been following your amazing compositions for some years. It's really amazing to see you here and I hope we can see more of your here if that is what you want πŸ™‚ Welcome back to the forum! All the best. Bjarke.
  11. @Jqh73o Thank you very much for the feedback!
  12. Awesome piano technique! πŸ™‚ some suggestion for improvement perhaps could be sometimes when the melody is highlighted in the high register you could make jumps to double the melody in the bass. I think I have heard that technique somewhere before which I thought was pretty effective. at around 3:00 Perhaps an idea could be which I have seen composers like Liszt do where he starts energy sometimes with a trill but you could also do it the way you did where it will be transformed to a run across octaves (for example la campanella or i think he does this as well in libestrum) This could then be transformaed to a background element. An other way of doing this is perhaps keep what you do in the piece but then repeat it later again modulated perhaps a whole tone above which could create suspension and then add the run. I also think this piece could benefit from more modulation. The harmonies in of it self are interesting but they could add more depth through more modulation. I think that this piece may also be a bit too much minor harmonies and could beneficial with a contrasting section of a major section of course still following the same thematical ideas. I hope this is something you can use. I am really impressive with your composing ability which already feel mature. I think you have a very promising composing future ahead πŸ™‚
  13. Thanks all. Here are some refinements! πŸ™‚
  14. Here is a sketch i am currently working on. Any feedback is much appreciated. Thank you.
  15. This is really well done for a first piece. At the moment there is only few things i can think of for improvement is that this piece could benefit for more counterpoint mostly it seems one idea at a time but having multiple ideas can be highly effective for example in danse macrabe by seant seans he uses multiple melodies and at the climax he have them both at the same time is one example. This also helps add multiple layers of depth. An other example could perhaps be krull by james horner, in the introduction he does a simliar thing you do with one idea at a time but what he does is perhaps in two clear contrasting forground elements one at a time with a background element which all are develop. an other thing i feel like could be improved is the ending. it feels a bit sudden and dissconcted from the material. Perhaps make it more thematicall transition? What could make the finally more smooth transition wise is maybe a suspensful build up slowly with the ideas all ready present. I think what you did really well was communicating the overall emotional arc of the piece which can be really difficult espcally at a beginner level. Some of the thematic elements of the piece during the middle section could be a tiny bit more memoriable. Perhaps more use of motivic ideas? If you look at john williams scores some of his melodies like indianna jones, harry potter, schindler's list , E.T Or Darth vader theme for example have a core idea which is repetition with varity of almost one or two ideas. With this added it could perhaps be more thematical and coherent In the intro perhaps you could add an extra layer of depth with a suspen high string effect somehow? until the brass comes in? If that works.
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