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Bati Si

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About Bati Si

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  1. Hi out there! This is my first track I can call "complete". To the title: My girlfriend actually wrote a short story with the same title, and I had the idea to write a soundtrack to it. I imagined this as a film. But I didnĀ“t show it to anyone else in terms of musical feedback. The story is the following: A girl is loosing her older brother in the mountains. He accidentally fell from a cliff and died. In panic and fear of the darkness, she tries to come home before the night. She slips a few times on her way down due to the dangereus rocky ground, but eventually reaches the cliff which separates her from the village she tries to reach. After overcomming her sadness and panic after loosing her brother. She searches for a giant plant, cuts a leaf and jumps from the cliff. The girl flies and feels free from all her emotions of the day and enjoys the freedom of flying, the cold air and the sunset. After landing at the village, totally exhausted she tells her story to the villagers who form a rescue team to find her brother...Feedback is highly welcome! I recorded it with Audacity and MuseScore, so the quality could actually be better in terms of dynamics and the pauses between the scenes... https://soundcloud.com/bati-si/story-of-a-bird-final I attached the score as a pdf :)
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