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Electric Concerto

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About Electric Concerto

  • Birthday 02/09/1985

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  1. Here's one of my older compositions that I have revised. It's called "Dream Travel" and takes you on a journey through, well, dreams. I dunno if I'm putting this in the right forum, it's a Eurodance song that is, well, POPular in Europe, or so I've heard... http://www.e-concerto.net/music098273/DREAM.mp3
  2. OMG, it's exactly a Square-Enix stunt! BIG Boss with the light orchestrated music behind. I like this a WHOLE lot! Very beautiful melodyline, with some cheer parts. Man, you should see if Square-Enix would let you join their Grandia team.
  3. Sounds like a FF dungeon theme, and I'm not going to even begin about melodies...
  4. Ah, well, what can we say for this fine country's rapidly deteriorating music appreciation... I say, jump off the mainstream bandwagon and follow what YOU believe is music.... Man, some of this crap I hear on the radio...
  5. Well, I can see I've pretty much failed the goal of this being a battle theme, so I'll scratch this and try again!
  6. ^what they said.. I'm a guy who enjoys a great melody, in which I find a bit lacking in this and every other stealth BGM... Stand out a bit, give it a memorable melody!
  7. Hmmm... I find the composition a little lacking... Just a simple melody, not much excitement...
  8. PER is the project I started to create a complete RPG OST.
  9. Well, I can sense a lot of work can go into it... Anything you'd like to hear?
  10. Well, if you can help me out by pointing out which parts are too happy, I'll be able to get an update going... I've tried to work out some of the parts, but I need help... Please?
  11. Only thing I can think of is it needs some more... I dunno.... oomph....
  12. As in my sig: www.myspace.com/electricconcerto
  13. here's the midi: battle1midi.mid
  14. I used a combination of personal samples, soundfonts, and VSTs, either free or one's I had bought...
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