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  1. What is the best way or method to Analyse classic sheet music? for beginner composer. like what thing to look for... Thank you
  2. Thank you all for your help. (Gaining knowledge, is the first step to wisdom, SHARING it, is the first step to humanity...) Unknown.
  3. Hi, Thank you for your replay. It's for Four part writing.Romantic or Classical music. Some time,When I'm working with the Melody or Harmony,I wish I have a list of things I should Do and Don't. Like a short manual for beginners. I been playing guitar and bass on and off for almost 30 years, just by ear. It's not because I don't want to go to school to learn but because I couldn't afford it.... I would like take time and learn from A to Z about music theory, But I fell like I will be 100 years old before I reach Z. And I know There is no shortcut to learn. But some time, some help from people like you can always be helpful . Thank you for you help.
  4. Hi I always come to this forum to learn new thing or thing I need. Today I have question and it's very important to me. It's about Composition. Melody and Harmony. Is there a list of things to be aware of. When you write melody and harmony That make the process easy. like: Scales,Relative scale,Embellishing tones, Modes.... Borrowed chords,Secondary chords,Modulation,Cadance..... Thank you
  5. If I'm harmonizing a melody in major scale and in the middle of the melody it switch to minor relative. how I will know that it change to minor relative?. Thank you
  6. Hi, I'm confuse. I want to harmonize Minor scale.But,there is the natural,harmonic,melodic.Please Can you explain to me how to harmonize them and do I have to harmonize each one different then other ones, And why just put at the key signature F#,D#,C#. instead of ad D#,C# next to the notes, Thank you
  7. I need help,I'm really confuse. I heard that C melodic minor scale is half major and half minor, or better it's neither major nor minor. and harmonically it shift back and forward between the major and minor. if it's true, can some one explain to me how to use it....Thank you
  8. Thank you
  9. Hi What is the rules to write a leading tone chord, for 4 part harmony for strings?.
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