Anyone can play anything. A baby could sit on the piano. So they definitely were capable of playing it. But the example chord you gave is quite dissonant, which would have not sounded well to their ears (or mine), and so would not have written it down. Nor at that time were they close to the development of jazz. The development of jazz came out of a need to break apart from social norms (I think), which at that time was only showing through the Scientific Revolution, the Enlightenment, and the Industrial Revolution, but not necessarily for music. As far as I know, they were often commissioned to write music for the church or for royalty and their events, so their music needed to please the ears of the audience, otherwise heads might have been chopped off. Also, the question is also of their personal likes and dislikes of the dissonance and how receptive their ears are to it, which you referred to as an evolved hearing if one could comprehend jazz. That we may never know. But if comprehending jazz is evolved, I'm a prehistoric Neanderthal.