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About stratosfyr

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  1. Hi all. Thanks for the feeback. I composed for the Great Highland Bagpipes (Which I play competitively) and a bit on piano, but to clarify this is the first piece I composed not using an istrument. I used MIDI sequencer to place notes in using VSTs. Although I know enough music theory that I am not placing notes randomly. Im on a $0 budget passed the FL liscence. And yeah i faded way too much bass out when doing EQ on the master. Ive not touched eq that terribly since that mistake. Thanks for all your feedback. I dont mind harsh critique. I just want to improve. Thanks again guys!
  2. What an absolutely fantastic review. Thanks for your insight. I agree with everything you said. I will likely go back and re-edit when I can find the time. It's rough using free sample packs, but I know I can't blame the tools. I hope I can continue to get great feedback like yours in the future!
  3. Hello everyone. My hands are nearly shaking ready to submit this now that I'm done. There's just so much talent on this site that my pieces feel pathetically simplistic and incompetent. I'm pretty self-conscious right now about my music. Even still, please be completely honest with your opinions. I'd love to continuously improve. This is a piece I wrote for an Indie Game named Blades of Orterra. It's a fantasy RPG. Pretty standard stuff. I ended up writing music for the game out of necessity, but digital composition is slowly consuming me. Please have a listen :) This is the first digital piece i have ever composed. It's worth noting that the volume is surpressed during the main chorus/melody in the beginning for some reason. Fixed on my soundcloud version. Any feedback much welcomed!
  4. Wow this is fantastic! As someone incredibly new to composition, I can't offer any advice on the technical stuff, but I thought that the musical elements were spot on. You had an idea and used the entire piece to express its parts. I liked it a lot. The intro and 1:17 are my absolute favourite parts. Thanks for sharing!
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