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  1. Yes, live performance
  2. Thank you, i think i`m happy? to hear that :)
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  3. Thank you for the feedback 😊
  4. Thanks for the description, I'm glad that my composition manages to make people aware of their feelings and emotions. I just played what was on my mind, as i felt in that moment. I agree that the song could be better with the right set of instruments and knowledge, but I'm just a beginner, maybe over time i could do better. Have a nice day.
  5. 2Violins.mp3
  6. 2orch.mp3
  7. Yes, i recorded myself improvising. Thanks for the advice, i'll try to improvise better next time 😁
  8. Yes, quite a few booboos :D I tried to play it many times... this is the best version :)) I`ll keep practicing. I played it in 2 chords, i like to be different, original if you will. It`s that so bad ? :P Thanks for the comment, and for wasting your time on... whatever this is :))
  9. Thanks, i would love to change the pattern, but i have much to learn still... :)
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