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Josep Montserrat

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Josep Montserrat last won the day on January 12 2019

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About Josep Montserrat

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  1. Really beautiful piece! You have a great future!!
  2. Theodore, thanks for your list, I will check it, I really appreciate that. Yes in fact, nowadays, tonal music is not well considered in the academic circles, I started the bachelor of composition some years ago, and despite I had a scholarship, I decided to abandon the bachelor due the pressures of some teachers asking me for a change in my creative orientation.
  3. Thanks a lot for your comments and suggestions, In fact Theodore, first, I am looking for somebody who doesn’t force me to write atonally, and secondly, I am looking for a master in tonal music, without despising the other “styles” I want to be a proficient composer when it comes to tonal music. And to become proficient, I would like to find a teacher that be an expert in this language. Yes, language could be a better methapor than a color, if you want to be an expert in english, is good for you to know that russian and chinesse exist, but you don’t need to spent a huge amount of hours learning all these languages.
  4. Thank you for all the comments, Is a pleasure share with you my works
  5. Hello, Young composers, Any of you know teachers that could teach tonal composition in Europe? It would be interesting make a recompilation of them Thanks in advance
  6. One of my most beloved preludes by the public:
  7. Muchisimas gracias Mariza Cabral, y Donethur! your comments, fill my heart with strenght to compose again! in some weeks, I will upload new videos from new compositions!! Saludos Donethur desde Barcelona!
  8. Thank you Panta rei, Maybe you are right, Always I have the tendence to explode an only tonality, and no modulate, until I've satisfied myself of this tonality
  9. Muchas gracias Luis, que genial es encontrar por aquí, gente de habla hispana! ¡Saludos desde Barcelona!!
  10. ilv, the score is in pdf, I think is the last work of the booklet
  11. I felt transported in a dreamful world from my childhood, full of doubts and curiosity, It's not easy awoke this feelings in people, congratulations!!
  12. Thanks mery much ferdi I really apreciate your comment!! I upload here a document I did some time ago, nevertheless, I should do a milion of improvements, but I thing you will be able to make an idea
  13. Very interesting work! conratulations for your good taste!
  14. Thank you very much Maarten for you good comment!!
  15. Hello artists! I'd be very glad to show you a bit piano piece I did some years ago Of course, any comment or suggestion, you will be welcome
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