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benyamind last won the day on December 30 2018

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About benyamind

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  1. Hi! Recently dropped a project I've been working on for 2 years, hope you'd have a listen! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVpEc-I-HXk
  2. benyamind


    Hey what's up! Hope you'd check out a breakbeat I made;
  3. Oh yeah, I thought because it said 'and other forms not primarily intended for the concert stage', I figured this would go here!
  4. A piece in a custom just intonation tuning, hope you enjoy it! Have a great day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDaq7o-YWjw
  5. Hi everyone! Morphed an old sketch in regular tuning (12-tet) to something microtonal. Adjusted the tuning over the last weeks until I enjoyed the aura. More on that in the youtube description. Hope ya like, have a great day!
  6. My entree for the Spitfire Audio competition. For this competition we have to score some nasa visuals with a pre-picked synth. If you enjoy make sure to support!
  7. Hi there! Lately I've been experimenting with all sorts of micro-tonalities. I'd like to share a piece made in 31-tone equal temperament. 31 EDO or TET has a pretty strong harmony, a lot of intervals are actually more pure than 12-tone. But it also has lots of weird/freaky/out-of-the-box options. Very interesting to play around with. The track ís unorthodox, so brace yourself haha. Peace.
  8. benyamind

    For You

    Whatsup everyone! Been indulging in a bit of chillout lately, like to share a song I've made with some rhodes, trumpet, brass, guitar, wavy pads and some singing! Hope you like it. Peace.
  9. Haha nice one. Yeah it's fun to experiment with and it's also a freaky thing of nature. 🙂 The hardest part is unlocking access, getting them louder just takes a bit of time. I can get overtones on any fundamental but controlling them using melodies for the roots is next level (see vid below). Last year I've been researching a lot on stuff like overtones and tuning, and I've started to write orchestral in just intonation (as just tuning aligns with the natural overtone series). A home chord never felt so good haha. It's not strange because the minor third we use in our current western tuning is almost 16cents flat for example. Just intonation is life changing. Not because what we use now is 'wrong', but it isn't actual harmony. What a mindblowing thing it was to find out that 99.9 percent of western music never generates actual harmony except for the octave. Even the fifth is 2cents off.
  10. Hey, cheers for checking it out! I agree the ending is a bit out of place, kinda liked that though haha. It modulates so that might be the reason. Yeah the final chord has overtones, I sang it poly-phonically. A weird little thing I thaught myself.
  11. Hey whatsup everyone! Hope everyone is doing ok. Been a while since I wrapped up a track and this one was just sitting there collecting dust. Hope you'd have a listen! As always, peace.
  12. I feel you on that one yeah! I often modulate way outside of the key but here I just stay in key and keep it loopy to just stay in the feel. It's not necessarily a stand-alone track, imo it just sits there gently in the background. Oh, I modulate one time though, 1:14, goes to an A# outside of C major. Cheers for listening people!
  13. Hey. Hope everyone is enjoying the summer! Recently finished a track, thought I'd share it here! Have a great day. Peace.
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