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Maximus last won the day on November 7 2017

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About Maximus

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  • Gender
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    Starving Musician
  • Favorite Composers
    Beethoven (symphonies) Mozart (chamber music) Haydn (String quartets) C. Schumann, Mendelssohn and Listz
  • My Compositional Styles
    Neo classical + Neo Romantic
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale but usually pen and paper (I could hear music; deal with it)
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Clarinet, Organ

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  1. Thanks for the feedback!
  2. Reviews are appreciated!
  3. Can't wait for the performance - love the vigor of the third movement!
  4. Thanks for the feedback! (I will look into that missing note for F's sake)
  5. Thank you for taking a listen, yet may I ask: what sounded "illogical" to you? It would be helpful if you could elaborate on that.
  6. Thanks for the feedback!
  7. Please develop the piece more since it seems to lead to nowhere. Also, the sixteenth notes followed by a sixteenth rests in many of the bars could be substituted by a staccato eighth note. I don't think it's necessary to complicate things
  8. So after writing music for quite some time, I realized that I haven't formally tested out the Minuet and Trio form. Thus, I've decided to give it a go to see what would happen. Reviews would be nice! Hopefully it'll be part of a bigger work (such as a multiple movement string quartet). Format of composition: Theme - Trio I - Trio II - Coda
  9. First question: did you actually write 107 opuses cause that's quite a bit of music. Kinda lost where the piece was going between 26 and 29. The many runs that you put for each instrument really threw me off too. Some of the rhythms were somewhat awkward especially the random triplets. I do love the melody of the flute (then passed onto clarinet) at 82 however. Also the progression at 63.
  10. Kinda gave me a "Mozart" vibe for a few moments: probably since the instrumentation is quite similar to his Gran Partita
  11. I will certainly pay attention to the viola as I finish the rest of the movements. I certainly understand your point of view (as I do know a few, fiery viola players that always rage about uninteresting parts). Countermelodies are on the way!
  12. Just gonna add a sidenote friends: I'm glad that this has created such a debate. Definitions like these are hard to put into words; sometimes it's a feeling or vibe. Yet here we are, trying to get around our biases to put those feelings into a working definition. To everyone who has participated so far and for those that will comment in the future, good on you for thinking deeply!
  13. Here's a string quartet in F major. Sorta like a ABA format with a slow section in the middle. Honest comments would be greatly appreciated. Also, please follow me if you'd like more Neoclassical or Neoromantic music. This version was created using Finale. However, a string quartet will be playing this (hopefully) during winter break so I'll reupload once they're ready.
  14. Firstly, first few bars gave me moonlight sonata andante vibe. Not sure if your intention was to create something unique but these chords are overused in "sad" pieces. Also, transition at 0:50 was very unexpected and abrupt. The die down at around 1:20 was pretty awkward too, though maybe it's just the midi quality. Please add more to it (development) and use more chords and nuances! That'll make it into a complete work
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