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Brandon S

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Brandon S last won the day on November 6 2022

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About Brandon S

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Middle School Band and Choir director, modern composer, Classical Saxophonist.
  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Writing music, playing the saxophone, a good joke.
  • Favorite Composers
    Maslanka, Mackey, Gillingham, Hindemith, Grainger.
  • My Compositional Styles
    Neo Romanticism.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius Ultimate, Noteperformer.
  • Instruments Played
    Saxophone, Guitar, Keyboard, Oboe, Clarinet, Flute, Ukulele, Mass Destruction, Recorder.

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Enthusiast (6/15)

  • Seven Years in
  • 2024 - Valentine's Day Event Participant Rare
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  1. Great piano playback. What software are you using?
  2. Ill be participating again this year.
  3. Thank you for the feedback! This piece to me is about being a kid, hence the name "seven up" like heads up 7 up. The beginning is supposed to be childlike wonder and simplicity, and soon things like struggle and chaos are introduced into life, but ultimately everything will be ok. This was a commission by a university near me for a student's recital. I will be sure to post a live performance in the comments here when it happens.
  4. @chopin A very rough score, my apologies. I am an interning music education major and I work on the weekends so virtually no free time to edit the score, but it doesnt look too bad. Just quite a few obvious engraving errors I dont have the time to fix currently.
  5. Thank you for the kind words. I have been working a lot recently on pacing and form, glad to see it paying off.
  6. For sure, I can try and get it to you tomorrow.
  7. A piece I have been working on for a while, thought it would be fitting to attach it here since Its finally done. Its about losing a loved one in the military. I highly encourage all who are interested to read the poem "In Flanders Fields". I read this poem and knew I had to do something musical with it, and that is what you will see below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOfPoubahg
  8. A piece celebrating the sacrifices of armed men and women. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZOfPoubahg
  9. Oops, thats what I get for reading too quickly. Either way im in!
  10. Im in a little late on this competition, but I will be entering!
  11. Ive always wanted to write a piece that the proceeds if ever purchased and performed would go to a good cause. This is the beginning of a slower work entitled "M.I.A.", that all of the proceeds would go to a wounded veterans foundation. Apologies for the awful score, i didnt realize that it would export that ugly, but it's still readable.
  12. I really appreciate the kind words. I don't know if im ready to be in the likes of Mennin, but thank you!
  13. Thank you so much for the feedback. Yes, i primarily write for college and honor band up. Some of my slower stuff is definitely accomplishable by most high school groups but my main focus is professional ensemble writing.
  14. I've never worked on a piece of music for as long as i've worked on this. I hope it shows, and I appreciate any and all feedback. The score in the video is still unedited, so apologies for any difficulty reading. https://youtu.be/e0yjHNenglU
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