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Liam Doyle

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About Liam Doyle

  • Birthday 05/24/2001

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  • Biography
    check out my music on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/liam-doyle-174871544
  • Gender
  • Location
    Rockingham, Western Australia
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Video Games, Chess, Musicology ;-;
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Shostakovich, Aphex Twin, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Prince, Yes!, King Crimson, King Gizard and the Lizard Wizard and DMX
  • My Compositional Styles
    Minimalist, Electronic, Ambience, IDM, Neo-Baroque, Modern Classical
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Ableton, Sibelius Ultimate
  • Instruments Played
    Synthesizer, Piano, Timpani, Aux. Percussion & Tuned Percussion

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  1. havent posted in a few years and have drastically changed compositional styles to electronic music. i felt like posting to get some thoughts on my new ambient sound. ❤️ you can check out the full album on any streaming services 🙂 nightwalker.mp3
  2. Working on a piece for my concert band. I've had writers block for a couple of weeks now and I just wanted some thoughts/opinions/advice that could motivate/inspire me to finish it. What do you think?
  3. No, I'm not familiar with Harmonic analysis. And you would be correct if you doubt my ability to achieve these harmonies. I stupidly did not write articulation or dynamics and I feel completely stupid. I would like to thank you for your feedback as it is helping me to get better and improve. I'm fairly self-conscious and it is hard for me to put music I write up on this forum due to me fearing criticism but in receiving it i feel like i have room to improve and a reason to keep composing. So, Thank you Will take into account your advice and upload a revised version with dynamics and breathing spaces etcetera.
  4. Here it is.....????????
  5. Sounds really good. Can definitely hear the Schubert inspiration.
  6. Completly Agree, thanks for the feedback, The midi is absolutely terrible.
  7. My first ever completed composition from March 2017.
  8. Love it. I feel it needs to repeat the beginning theme again later but a bit more developed.
  9. A short piece for String Quartet, please somebody who plays string instruments tell me if this is playable and where I can improve as its fairly repetitive and I feel like it's not going anywhere.
  10. Thank you, I've been trying to compose for piano for a while now because so I can actually play something I composed, but I find it extremely difficult to compose for the piano as my accompaniment ends up being very simple and the whole piece seems to be very bland and boring. Again thank you for your feedback Maarten.
  11. Is the project still open and if so how can I help if there's anything left to do. Keep in mind I'm only 16 lol and I don't have any way of receiving any money, I'm just curious in ways I could help. If the project is still open?
  12. Absolutely Beautiful Reminds me of Rachmaninoff's Vespers.
  13. A short piano piece. Finished 26 August 2017 Also terrible GarageBand midi sounds
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