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B.M. Almeida

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    Mostly music and literature.
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    Beethoven, Brahms, Wagner, Shostakovich and Haydn.
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    Sibelius and Musescore
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  1. Hello. As the title says, this is the first movement of my first Piano Sonata in B-flat Major. Although it is just the first movement, I consider it to be the first complete piece made by me. All feedback is welcome. Thank you in advance. And a simple analysis of it: The Exposition begins an Alberti bass in the key of B-flat minor, responsible for a contrast with the B-flat major melody. It is followed by the first subject (A1) from bar 3 to the beginning of bar 5. After a brief quarter-note pause, a variation of this subject makes a transition to the second subject (A2), which goes through bars 7-10 and then repeats itself from bar 11-13. It should be noted that there is a variation of it in bar 12, followed by a transition, as it is in the first subject. After the transition, the closing section is made of G’s interrupted by pauses and followed by an ascending sequence of A, B-flat and C. This small motif serves both as a transition to the transition (yes), and as a normal transition to the dominant. The transition (to the dominant) (bars 18-22) modulates firstly to C, then to E-flat Natural minor, to finally arrive in the parallel of the dominant key of F Minor. It should be noted that, the whole transition, which has 4 entire bars, is made entirely of a repeating sequence derived from the transition to the transition. Which shows the astonishingly amazing creativity of the composer*. In bar 24, we have our first dominant chord, followed by a descending sequence of notes, until we arrive in the third subject (B), which repeats itself. This third subject, in contrast to the other two, is not accompanied by an Alberti bass, but rather by chords, of which evokes a melancholic mood, another difference in it from the other two. It may sound rather generic for the avid listeners of film scores, of which the piano themes are always in this mood, but one should know that this comes from the composer’s heart and he has no intent of changing it for now. Immediately after the repetition of the third subject, the Development begins, still the dominant, with the returning of the Alberti bass in bar 31. The fourth subject (C), which is exclusive of the Development, modulates from F minor (parallel of the dominant) to an interchange between A minor and F minor, and creates variations of itself, while it keeps tightening until we arrive in an A minor V7 chord, of which ends the Development. In the Recapitulation, the Alberti bass comes back in B-flat minor, but this time in octaves (Bb2 and Bb3; F3 and F4, et cetera). Now both tonic subjects lose their flats, making them slightly different, not much to usual listener. The transition to the third subject is now made of two bars. The chords after it, including the descending sequence, are now without flats. The third subject, now in the tonic, loses most of its melancholic mood, and gains a more hopeful one. After it’s repetition, the Coda theme (bars 70-75) is made of a small motif from the third subject, which goes until the end, with a perfect cadence. *sarcasm.
  2. These 2 are basically the same lol.
  3. Muito bom. Tem aquele toque do nacional que só os brasileiros conseguem fazer, como um choro da Chiquinha Gonzaga. Uma pergunta: qual é a forma, se há alguma?
  4. Thanks Rabbival and Willibald for the feedback. I posted this here was during my silly "inspiration moment", so I was just really "blind" by it. After a while i just realized this piece lacks in many areas, especially the orchestration and harmony. Thanks again for the feedback. (By the way, those weren't bell rings, it was a celesta.)
  5. Hello ladies and gentleman! I'd like to present to you a short piece in quasi-sonata form, and to ask your thoughts on it. Thanks in advance. By the way, there's just the Introduction and the Exposition (starts in the trumpet part).
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