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AntonioGarcía last won the day on December 10 2017

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About AntonioGarcía

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  1. Hi! I would like yo show you a new video. In this case it's quite experimental. I would love yo know what you think about It! Thank you so much. https://youtu.be/M6PcAxbFIFU
  2. Well, the music its quite ok, at least for a starter composer. I think the sound can improve a bit, because It sounds like MIDI...
  3. I think you know how yo use the orchestra, Maybelline you could also play with the masa if the orchestra, leds density, solos... Well done!!
  4. This time I show you a piece that I made in a composition course for film music, in which we work together with film direction students. In the description of the video you can find details about the piece. 🙂 I hope you enjoy it (I am the composer and the interpreter).
  5. Hello everybody! As I said, I would like to tell you an idea about how we could share our piano works. I made a colaborative playlist, so everybody who has pieces for piano in youtube could add it! Feel really free to do that please. This is the link to participate on it: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJQveMVAZDRbHHJ0S6rAhAjYXGwBBCK93&jct=294TNxbV9Ecbr52z586WjEf27YWyOA
  6. I'm not the violinist who is playing. she is a master degree violinist student, but thak you, I'm also so happy for the performance, she played the piece as I imagined in my mind..: Thank you so much for your feedback. 🙂
  7. Crazy contrast between tonalism and the cluster chords. I think is well-made, but for example I suggested you to add something after 2'18'', kind of transition for example. And I also like the ending! Well done.
  8. Thank you Willibald. I'm happy of these words because I think you get it perfectly the meaning of the piece.
  9. Very proud to listen to your words! I also think that silence (as always) is part of the music itself; I said many time to the performer that don't worry about tempo: I prefere break the tempo to have correctly breaths. Muchas gracias!
  10. Ah ok, well. Then is fine, it's something that I was looking for. Thank you!
  11. Could you tell me wich pasagges are "empty" for you' Will be interesting for me to know that. 🙂 But anyway so happy for your high score! Thank you. Yes you are almost right. I think if we use only one instrument is kind of more "intimate" and personal. Ok, during this week I'll upload the score also.
  12. Very happy to share the recording of one of my recent pieces, "Your room at midnight" for solo violin. I hope you enjoy it and feel free to tell me your honest feedback guys. Your room at midnight (soundcloud) * I'll share the score if someone is interesting!
  13. I usually dont enjoy so much of this kind of style of XVIII, but I havee to say that I think you know how to write for french horn and how they work togheter, because sounds really "easy" (in a good way) and balanced. I think you should think to add some movement! At least one slow and "deep"(?) Would be great.
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