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About green_minstrey

  • Birthday 12/03/1986

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Occupation
    I'm available ;)
  • Interests
    music ^_^ anime, russian&ukrainian poetry, recorder, street playing, flash-animation, painters, RPGs

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  1. you doing amazing music my freund) now I'm really interested in using GPO for myself..)
  2. hahaha) An evil flow... too bad) I don't know how to write a score) i have'nt musical education, but at least it can be heard for now.. I hope to find somebody who can ppick up the melody by ear once, or maybe i will need to learn to play piano, or maybe to learn a score thing.. that's the best thing.
  3. Not a big deal, I don't play piano at all, I compose in FL Studio and then add and effect "reverb 2", set it up and compile the piece - that's it.
  4. I appriciate it sir Matthew Becker) It's nice to hear good words from other composers really) That's why I like YC)
  5. One head is good, many heads better, i decided to make another piece with this ending, many thanxs)
  6. I like ending the most.. and actually have an idea to get the melody from the ending ro something new, it could be fun. Thank you) I experiment a lot with effects, trying to find new combinations..
  7. wow, a composer from Croatia!) It sounds very beautiful, you have a good composing skills, I was composing such music when i started to compose, but some years ago i realized that i have no listeners..) I think you'll find your listener and your own contemporary-classic solution if you will work on it.) Good luck.
  8. This is a rare moment when YoungComposers got an incredibly talented composer..) I would really like to listen to more of your pieces.. Just great - very new, very fast and young music, I'm looking forward to to listen to more of your works. :)
  9. Only piano (1:40) It sounds to me like water, i like it) spent about 8 hours to compose and finalize it. SoundClick artist: greenminstrey - medieval time, dark age's tunes, gothic, fantasy, celtic folk, flamenko, guitar, recorder, green_min
  10. Nightingale Brigand is a poor fellow that was usually beaten by strong russian heroes "bogatyrs", he had a secret weapon of whistlying, he stunned hundreds of warriors with it) Sitar was chosen just because i like it too. :)
  11. The short melody in mp3 (1 minute) - Sitar, clean guitar, whistling and some surrealistic things. Nightingale Brigand is a Russian fairy tale character. SoundClick artist: greenminstrey - medieval time, dark age's tunes, gothic, fantasy, celtic folk, flamenko, guitar, recorder, green_min
  12. the reverb doesn't mean anything :p As for the Crocodile hunter, did you ever hear such music on TV or in computer games, or anywhere?.. it is too chaotic.. But better then the last one.. )
  13. yeah it's too small.. ) but i can say it's quite original though.. )
  14. thank you a lot, guys. ) I'll try to fix it.
  15. Rolifer has a point, but the music hasn't anything special - just music ) make it special! 0_p
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