Hello markstyles! First off let me say that I"m really grateful you gave this a listen and a valuable insight.
It means a lot to me.
I've noted your observation about the volume of drums. I'll keep that in mind for the future. Also, although I appreciate you virtuoso comment,
I don't think there's anything that fancy going on considering the guitar and bass. I can't say the same thing about the drums, because
I've never played them in my life. The closest I got to that was by notating them in the software, so I wouldn't be too suprised if they turned out completely
unplayable by an actual drummer .
I don't really mind the discord/mushiness stuff you've mentioned, since I'm mostly going for that metal/punk attitude, as you've
probably noticed by now , but still I'm glad you've pointed that out.
If you'd like to know what instrument is doing what, I've attached the PDF files for every part.
Thanks again for all the points you've made and the words of approval, all of that made my day