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About Peace_and_Love

  • Birthday 01/02/1987

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  1. This is actually something in the process of working on, which is why it's just the beginning for now (that also means everything there has a possibility of being changed). I'm not sure if many people will like it because I think it might only appeal to a certain type of listener, but I would love to hear what you have to say regardless. This is probaly also very different from all of the other music in here because it's not really a composition like you're all probably familiar with. I didn't write any of it with a score, and is all done using Garageband (so a lot of it is made using MIDI). I'm trying to incorporate more compositional components into my work so I feel since I'll be posting here, I might as well show you where I am at. As for the music itself, the guitar solo is just an early improvisation, so it's not perfect, but you'll get the jist of what I'm trying to do. I think one of the parts is actually somewhat out of tune at one point also. There is also a minute long silence at the end; that's simply because I have other instrument parts that I have made, but since they aren't incorporated into the song just yet, they're all muted (I didn't want to delete them in order to be able to post this though). Again, any comments/criticisms would be highly appreciated because they will only help me improve. Thank you in advance for listening, and I hope you enjoy. YouSendIt - File Sharing Transfer Delivery - PC FTP Replacement
  2. That actually works just fine. I tried that originally, but I think I hit a wrong note and didn't realize it because it didn't sound good. Now it sounds much better. Thank you very much.
  3. I'm not entirely sure this belongs in this area, so go ahead and move it if it should be elsewhere. Anyways, I was working on a song, and I'm trying to move from B major to B minor, but I'm not sure how to cadence it so it sounds good (if my terminology is incorrectly used, I apologize. If I should rephrase what I'm trying to say, please just let me know). Does anyone know how I would go about that?
  4. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a little while, I've been busy. I realize now that Radiohead and Pink Floyd have their music in the form of a score because they have tab books which come with notation. I'm still not familiar with any particular composers, but I'll continue to work on that until I find what I enjoy most. I also have to apologize because I have yet to post any of my work. I work on music a lot so I improve somewhat quickly, and since I've been working on it such a short time overall, I grow unsatisfied with my prior work as I grow as a musician because it's simply no longer the limits of what I'm capable of. I will still post some of my work so you have an idea of where I am, but I'll try and make something new as well to put up. I did just realize today though that with the demo of Sibelius I can't save any of my scores, so I really won't be able to accomplish that much with the program just yet. Hopefully soon I'll be able to get the full version.
  5. I actually have Sibelius, but I haven't done too much work in it yet. I actually don't know much music that has a score since I don't listen to much classical music. I guess that is where I should start. I do know some, and I know what I've heard I've loved, but I don't know specific composers and haven't really taken a deep look at it. Listening to the music is very key though, I must agree. I listen to Pink Floyd, Brian Eno, Radiohead and Sigur Ros and analyze how they make their music, and that has got me where I am today. Any suggestions on composers that I should listen to?
  6. Thank you. Should I post the link in the pop/rock section, or is there somewhere else I should do that?
  7. Thank you very much for the info and links, I'll definately put all of that to good use. Don't worry about apologizing also, I took no offense; you have no idea who I am, I don't expect you to know what I do (thank you for being courteous though). My genre is kind of hard to describe. My music is mainly influenced by Pink Floyd, Brian Eno, Sigur Ros and Radiohead, so my work has a lot of ambient qualities, but I don't think it can simply be classified as strictly ambient. I think the only genre it truely fits under is instrumental, but that is a very wide ranging genre, and doesn't really describe the feel of the music. I actually can't post any of my current work either because all of my files exceed 3.0 MB. I may make a clip of one of my tracks and post that though so I can at least show you something.
  8. Actually I play more then one instrument (sorry I should've mentioned this in the original post); I play keyboard as well. I'm also familiar with a lot of basic concepts of musical theory, such as harmony, timing, key and modes. I mostly use the keyboard to create chords, but I know how to do it for the guitar as well. I'll post a track or two in the rock/band/pop section, though my music is quite far from rock or pop.
  9. Hello, I'm somewhat new to music (I picked up my first instrument [guitar] one year ago now), but I now spend mostly all of my time working on improving my musical abilities. My music isn't really completed with compositional structure, but I have a very large interest in adding compositional components to my music. I guess the problem is I don't know where to start. I guess I'm at the bottom of the compositional totem pole and looking for ways to go up. Can anyone help me? I have examples of music I can show, but I wouldn't know where to post them in this forum because they're not compositional pieces. Where would I be able to put them up (or can I even?)?
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