This is actually something in the process of working on, which is why it's just the beginning for now (that also means everything there has a possibility of being changed). I'm not sure if many people will like it because I think it might only appeal to a certain type of listener, but I would love to hear what you have to say regardless. This is probaly also very different from all of the other music in here because it's not really a composition like you're all probably familiar with. I didn't write any of it with a score, and is all done using Garageband (so a lot of it is made using MIDI). I'm trying to incorporate more compositional components into my work so I feel since I'll be posting here, I might as well show you where I am at.
As for the music itself, the guitar solo is just an early improvisation, so it's not perfect, but you'll get the jist of what I'm trying to do. I think one of the parts is actually somewhat out of tune at one point also. There is also a minute long silence at the end; that's simply because I have other instrument parts that I have made, but since they aren't incorporated into the song just yet, they're all muted (I didn't want to delete them in order to be able to post this though).
Again, any comments/criticisms would be highly appreciated because they will only help me improve. Thank you in advance for listening, and I hope you enjoy.
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