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  1. Hi, everyone. It is hard for me to just explain what type of tracks I am talking about, so I will paste one youtube example. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_yyt69j_LM Here, I am not talking about just transcribing this track, it is just an example of really many changes each few seconds. By changing I mean violins taking trumpet part of melody, horn takes melody, than release emlody, goes playing harmony. How does one get such ideas in a DAW, as all I can create for few years are just repetitive tracks, that are filled with percussion and short or staccato lines, to avoid tracj being empty. I know this track is 3/4 also, that is not a problem. So, can someone take some time to explain it on simple english how to approach to get such track from a melody, not just this track, but it can be any. and any signature 3/4, 4/4, any tempo 80bpm or 160bpm. This is what I am capable of creating: https://soundcloud.com/user-756072482/april-17 What can I do to make tracks like this one more interesting? Hope someone can show me the right direction from the place I'm in. Sorry for bad english.
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