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Youngc last won the day on May 22 2018

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About Youngc

Profile Information

  • Biography
    Hi, this is Youngc! I am newer to the field of composition. I compose mainly in the Romantic Classical style. I do venture out into the realms of jazz and Avant-garde. My primary instrument is the piano.


    I would be willing to collaborate with people if the want to.
  • Gender
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    Sorry....but no...not giving that away
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Composition, Geocaching, Munzee-ing, Marching Band, drawing
  • Favorite Composers
    Steve Reich, Mozart, Bach, Debussy, Chopin, Liszt, Gershwin, and others
  • My Compositional Styles
    Classical, Jazz, Avant-Garde, others yet to be unearthed.
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Finale, Musescore, Ensemble Composer, NotateMe, Paper and pencil
  • Instruments Played
    Piano, Percussion, Voice, Soprano Recorder (in elementary school)

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  1. If you have dissonant chords, lets say c, e, g, ab. ( you could also have the ab in the upper voice) I think that voicing is fine (DISCLAIMER: Many people say that lower notes sound muddier, because they do.) If you have a dissonant note you have in the left hand in a lower octave, I would omit as muck of the chord as possible but still have the "sound" that you want. Those are my two cents, however worth they are. If you could put a picture of one of your own examples that would help a lot too! 🙂
  2. This is great! (I don't really listen to atonal-leaning music but good ideas....) Explore the theme in Eb major (shift with a Eb major 7 chord) and then repeat the process in Db then do a descending thing like you dod at the end but in Db then hold a bass note and then gradually shift back into the original theme/9how you had it before). Does that help? I m sorry I am just not one to compose atonal-is so....yah!
  3. In some parts you could have some of the bass notes in a trombone? Do you want more of a build? I would suggest add some brass and expand the theme in the middle maybe. Its great! Keep working!
  4. I felt like there needed to be something in between. So no levels or anything.
  5. This link goes to a post called "Story Scoring". You will write a story (or an idea for a story/poem/etc) and I compose something for it. Then after, we compare what you thought it would sound like to what I composed (I will post the story composition in a separate thread and put a link in the is Topic)! This will be on-going so post whenever! Thanks!
  6. My questioname is because the Romans added everything up so 41 but thanks
  7. you've written 41 concertos or 39?
  8. As a young composer of the 21st century 🏙✈️ it can be easy to be intimidated by the sheer amount of musical styles and ideas now floating 💭 in the internet 💻. True that....Props for posting your video dude!
  9. m1-18 and m.34 thru measure 50 sound most like a etude/fantasy the theme after measure 19 kind of sounded like the intro for "The Twilight Zone".... m.19-22 could be the Major section of Fantasy/etude. m,23-33 could be a waltz? some ideas?
  10. Thanks to you two! I try to create masterpieces but even masterpieces are subjective...so thanks!
  11. This might be silly but is any of ABBA''s music in ABBA form (ABB+A, ABBA+,etc.) ?
  12. Here is my first of two voluntarily assigned Preludes! Hope you Enjoy! Feedback and Criticism are welcome!
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