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Pietro17 last won the day on January 28 2019

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About Pietro17

  • Birthday December 16

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  • Occupation
    High school
  • Interests
    Music, physics, astronomy
  • Favorite Composers
    J.S. Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Shostakovich, Chopin, Kalinnikov, Mahler
  • My Compositional Styles
    Baroque revival
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Paper, MuseScore
  • Instruments Played
    Violin, Viola, Piano

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  1. Christmas adagio movement for string quartet and organ ad libitum. It was originally meant as a middle movement of a Christmas fantasia, but I never wrote the other movements and I don't think I'll ever do it, so now I post this piece as a stand-alone piece. In this work I employed melodies and motifs from two polish christmas carols - Jezus malusieńki (violin 1 & 2) and Mizerna cicha (viola). Hopefully the piece will be performed this Christmas
  2. https://youtu.be/XbNfbUn9YPY
  3. My first song, written to a poem by Leopold Staff (a polish poet). I didn't use the whole poem because it's too long.
  4. Two-part invention. My first "serious" invention written after analysis of Bach's two-part inventions.
  5. My first attempt to write a romantic piece. I hope it doesn't sound too much like Nocturne in f minor by Chopin
  6. This is my first piece in classical style. Do you think it sounds convincing?
  7. In measure 2, tenor (qui - Db) and bass (eis - Ab) - fourth is forbidden in two-part counterpoint, unless it's a suspension - you can change Db to D natural. Measure 4 is harmonically quite unclear for me - in general there is many situations where one voice has for example b natural and the other has b flat at the same time - the green countersubject combined with red subject are responsible for that (also green and purple). Parallel sevenths/seconds aren't always bad - it depends on the context. I think you should fix those errors and errors mentioned by others before you go further. Good luck!
  8. Sounds very nice to me, despite many counterpoint errors. I suggest you a key signature of 2 sharps - and it would be nice if the score was neater. Do you have any instruments in mind? I think you can develop this piece.
  9. In my opinion Allegro bars 8-10 are fine. The one think that bothers me is actually bar 3, the D in Violin 2 doesn't belong to the harmony
  10. I'm still not satisfied with my counterpoint, so I wrote these two little practice pieces. They're not mentioned for any instruments, but I had to choose something when making an mp3. Also, this is my first finished canon, that is I've written many canonical passages but this is my first standalone finished canon :D What do you think of these?
  11. Great classical duet! I liked the motivic imitation in allegro. I think the shape of the andante is really good, and to be honest I liked it more than the allegro. Also posting a score is a good idea, because it makes reviewing much easier
  12. This is a piano concerto I am composing now. I will succesively post remaining movements. The second movement is a slow siciliano, in my feeling it's a bit too short but when I think what I could add, I don't have any ideas :/ what do you think?
  13. This is my first attempt to write a piece for unaccompanied violin. I'll try to make a recording in nearest future
  14. I absolutely love the part 7:01 - 8:05, and 10:03 to the end, but the fugue is also great! I thought that the fugue is usualy the last in a set of variations. I can feel the emotional power of your work
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