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About Jelly

  • Birthday 09/11/2000

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Occupation
    High School Student (Yes, it is a job)
  • Interests
    Band, League of Legends, Drawing, Math, Indoor Percussion
  • Favorite Composers
    John Adams,
  • My Compositional Styles
    I don't know yet lol
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Sibelius, Virtual Drumline
  • Instruments Played
    Percussion, Piano

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  1. This is my piece Sunset. I have it tagged as a concert band piece as I was thinking about my high school's concert band's instrumentation (although this is not actually 100% it) while I was writing the piece. Originally, I was going to write it for strings, but that didn't really catch on to me. This is the first time that I have written for something other than percussion or piano as it is literally my fourth finished piece. I have actually been going through a period of writer's block (or whatever you call it for composing), and the idea of just writing music and playing around with ideas until something sticks was given to me by somebody I know. Thus this piece was born. It was definitely a weird process and time for me because I usually only start writing when I already have a good idea. Regardless, I like how this piece turned out. As usual, any feedback is welcome. Thanks 🙂 P.S. This is unrelated to the piece, but I am so ready to graduate. #Classof2019
  2. Thanks for the comments here. I have taken them into consideration and adjusted the piece. I think I addressed the harmony issue, but I am still experimenting with what I want in the piece and what is "correct." I also added more dynamics where I thought more could happen (kind of burned through that first time around). As for as tempo is concerned, I only did something major to the second section of the piece. I could not bring myself to slow down any other section as I felt that it would take energy away from those sections.
  3. I guess I have never really been satisfied with this piece which is why I keep changing it, so here is another update. 🙂
  4. @Rabbival507 I have to respectfully disagree lol. I think it might be very difficult at the most but no where near impossible. Unfortunately, I don't have three pianist to just hand it out to. I thought about your "it should stay in the computer" idea, and honestly I think it would sound interesting if I accomodated the piece for electronic/synth sounds, but I don't have any decent sounds to experiment with.
  5. This is my piece Steps to Follow. It is based off of a percussion piece that I found a while back called "Fractalia" by Owen Clayton Condon. I really like the echo pattern that he established in that piece, so I decided to play around with it and make a piano peice based off of it. I personally enjoy the sound of it and like how it turned out, but I am always looking for feedback/criticism, so please let me know what you think. Thanks 🙂 Note: The score is kind of a mess lol. At the time of finishing/uploading this it is really late, and I just could not bring myself to clean it up or try to fight Sibelius over organizing it.
  6. @Rabbival507 @Luis Hernández Thanks for the feedback. I actually really like the sound of octaves as melody as it helps the melody stand out and just sounds nice in general (to me), but I understand how conserving them until specific moments can have effect. However with that being said, I do definitely see some moments in the piece where the octaves aren't really needed, so I will take a look into that.
  7. This is a short piano piece that I composed last night while I was playing around on my piano. It is not meant to be complicated or super interesting (not that I am capable of creating anything complicated lol). I was really going for the feeling of background music and something nice to just listen to. Please tell me what you guys think. Thanks 🙂
  8. @Rabbival507 Lol, I completely understand. The community of League can be pretty toxic (as they say) at times. I just try to look forward to the good matches/people on League and block out all of the trivial drama from the immature players. @Luis Hernández I think I know what you talking about when you say that you recognize some concepts of minimalism, but my knowledge on the style is pretty vague. Could you elaborate a little on what you are seeing? All of that aside, in response to the criticism, I have upated the piece. I took a look at the piano part and edited it to a more traditional part (I suppose), but kept some of the old, simpler part where I thought it fit. I also gave a lot of the old part to the added vibraphone in the updated version because I like how the old part sounded, but I understand that it wasn't characteristic of what would normally be played on the piano. Thanks for the feedback 🙂
  9. Hi, this is my piece Lost in the City. This is the first full original composition that I have ever written. I know it is not the most complicated thing out there as I am just a junior in high school, and I have no formal training in music composition whatsoever. So I basically just write down the ideas that come to mind, and this is really the only one that I have developed in to a full piece. However, I would still like constructive feedback on it and know what you guys think. Also, the score is not the cleanest at the moment. There are definitely some errors especially with the piano pedaling. Thanks 🙂
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