All great points and tips, guys! Expect to see a revised piece by the end of next week- I'm going to a composers institute next week where we will be studying jazz and movie scoring techniques as well as brushing up on traditional music. I will definitely add more instruments to this (bass, solo instruments, drums?)
Robin: I noticed the C# problem too, but I'm not what note to go to :P I'm also kinda puzzled on how I would use both hands. Just add some extra chord tones into the bass riff where it holds?
MusicMan: I actually love the horn! I'm a horn player too, so I've written a couple of pieces with the horn featured. I do realize that I wrote the swing out in a strange way, but I really wanted to hear what it would sound like in performance. I once wrote out a swing piece with straight eighth notes, and I forgot why I wanted it to be swung by listening to it so many times... so, I will change it to straight eighth notes if it is to be performed.
Thanks again!