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About gershwinou

  • Birthday 08/23/1979

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  1. EWQL Symphonic Choir is a software (see http://www.soundsonline.com/product.php?productid=EW-182 ) that basically process your midi output channels into "real" sounds. The result is quite good actually
  2. You are right for doubling D, I'll correct the score, well, the only breathing marks are fermata. I slightly change the choir orchestration: - first staff is soprano solo - second is alti-soprani - then classical tenors and basses
  3. here it is, updated in original post. http://www.scribd.com/doc/28271880/Adagio
  4. score is coming...
  5. this a 3min choral composition i maded today with EWQL symphonic choirsimple but efficientscore: http://www.scribd.com/doc/28271880/AdagioEDIT: it sounds i have troubles to upload here the mp3you can find it on youtube: better version: adagio
  6. I have one criticism: too much virtuosity and no story. consider writing a concerto so you do have to let the orchestra say something as well. Could help to sort out virtuosity. is there any score?
  7. the most recent version is the score, written today thanks for commenting
  8. i tried to upload the score in the original post but nothing happens when i do so. If somebody can help me. In the between this is here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/24948252/Erik
  9. Thank you Serge, the winner of the competition can be heard at the following urls: mp3: http://gilleslf.free.fr/zic/Chaos2001_IN.mp3 pdf: http://www.scmamusic.com/concours/Chaos2001_IN_Score.pdf very different music. chilly is more the middle part that can give this feeling. thanks for loving it
  10. You may be interested in an organist critics ;) 1. Not enjoyable to play definitively too far from Vierne or Jongen that used this kind of perpetuum of the hands. As soon as i looked at it i thought to those composers and they don't suffer comparison with yours. The main problem is cell of interest too short (1 measure with a lot of variations). However, there are some truly good things in it: Harmony, 11/8 (2+2+3+2+2) is original (but maybe too symetric or not fully exploited), particularly like mes 42to47. 2. Good Sarabande, but again too monorhythmic, or too close to the form. Look at Louis Couperin Sarabandes that can be played for Organ, how you can make some good use of the movement. 3. The minuet is very interesting mixing full part of traditional harmony and surprising (but not too much, which is good to me) with more modern harmony and chromaticism. And good sense of driving the melody, unless the previous movement 4. The gavotte has finally some counterpoint, that was missing from the beginning, well done... on the overall very similar to the minuet. One thing is the cadence which is original with these sixteenths but a very bad taste (In French we say "une faute de gout") 5. I found the Gigue boring probably due to the pedal that is breaking the gigue movement. But on the overall and very original, I would say very promising and gave me enough to look out for your next organ work.
  11. you are right some are resolved, some other not, but the attacks are ninth, that was the idea
  12. This is a simple music in the style of one of the Gnossiennes of Erik Satie The trick is it is only based on parallel 9th, but somehow i am quite happy it did not generate boredom. I have no music sheet yet, I am too lazy ;) Souvenir from Erik update, finally the score is here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/24948252/Erik
  13. Thanks a lot you all for these comments. sabiansoldier: yep I am already considering revising the work, but since i finished it last October, I would like to wait a bit to have a fresh look at it. Indeed you pointed out the broken cords. I think it can be possible to play more on the odd rythm (3+3+3+2) stressing it without overloading. glqd it hit your ipod. jrcramer: "Ete Indien" is French and means "Indian Summer" as the famous one you can see in Canada at the beginning of fall. I tried to render the colorfullness of the the nature as well as the chill for the coming winter. jcharney: Indeed I do love Ravel. The middle melody shares some of the one of the string quartet of Ravel. But to tell the truth, I did realise it long after. And then I thought that my work still adds something sensible to keep as it is. Don't have yet a performance, but if you have somebody interested in playing it, please let me know...
  14. This is a work for a challenge i lost. For Piano and Violin, signature is 11/8, which is funny, but i tried to put colors in the work. Influence are obviously Ravel, Debussy, Chopin. It is ABA' form. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I wrote it. Ete Indien
  15. Hi maestrowick, Nice piece of work here! It sounds me more like Gershwin's "Un Americain a Paris", with that way to switch one context to the other. Even orchestration sounds the same. It reminds me as well the Cuban Overture of Gershwin (you will love it if you don't know it yet). Thanks for sharing. Is it your first orchestral work. Looking at your Myspace profile, it sounds you are more a jazz band player. If yes, you truly deserve a wow!
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