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JulienBld last won the day on January 28 2022

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About JulienBld

  • Birthday 06/26/1992

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  • Interests
    Music, Cinema, Anime, Games, Spaghetti, Lovecraft
  • Favorite Composers
    Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Wagner, Moussorgsky, Ravel, Matt Uelmen, Trey azagthoth, Cliff Burton
  • My Compositional Styles
    Ambiant, Ethnic, Metal, Classical, progressive
  • Notation Software/Sequencers
    Cubase, Kontakt, Addictive drums and other VST's
  • Instruments Played
    Guitar, Bass, Keyboard, Drums and percussions

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  1. Hi Atlantis, thank you very much, I hope this kind of music can help you out copping with anxiety and ease your mind when dealing with panic... best to you!
  2. Thanks for taking the time to listen and for your inputs! The Shostakovich comparison is definitly boosting my ego ahah, i need to check Arnolds and Goldenthals work out. I don't have a score for it as i'm a bit slow in the theorical side of things. But it would be really interesting to do someday... and probably do-able adding notations for synths, unusual instruments, phrases and such...You point out something really interesting, i think good horror/sinister music often comes from a lack of harmony or theme and is often achieved thanks to extensive use of minor keys, dissonances, unusual techniques and ambient/cinematic sounds rather than thematical ideas although a simple creepy leitmotiv can do wonders (halloween, jaws,the exorcist...). I'm happy that it feels connected, i think the use of the Harp/vibraphone combination(in a Bernard Hermann style) and sound fx transitions helped in that matter! Those percussions are called jungle percussions on the plugin i'm using so...not sure ^^ anyway thanks for your feedback and i'll make sure i post future pieces here!
  3. Hi everyone! Here is a piece that I wrote called "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath", it is inspired by the novel wrote in 1927 by American writter H.P. Lovecraft. I wanted to describe this weird winded-dream in which Lovecraft plunges his character Randolph Carter into. I've used some weird and unusual progressions and ambient sounds through the piece to try and describe this strange and dreamy universe of the novella. Any feedback from composition to production is much appreciated!
  4. Hello, wanted to share this Synthwave track i composed a while ago, side chain and delays for extra cheesyness ! Hope you guys will enjoy !
  5. Thanks mate! I'm really fond of creepy ambiant tracks, I'll compose more Diablo-ish stuff soon. 
  6. Hello, I wanted to share two recent tunes here. The first one is an ambiant composition with female choir, 12 chord guitar, flutes, delays, textures and drums that conveys advanture and danger. "Corrupted Dunes" The Second one is a Metal composition with guitar solos, bass fills with wah wah pedal and a heavy and tight drum. "At Rl'yeh House" Hope you guys enjoy!
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