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Bob Taylon

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  1. This is a piece I wrote to symbolize a wayfarer and the journeys he/she (whichever you perfer) has undergone. The rugged and smooth terrains, the big and small towns/cities; the whole experience. I felt that, as a whole, it is somewhat epic in it's own way. Would you agree? Link: Start Player Thank you for listening and I hope you enjoy this piece. Any comments, advice, or otherwise are welcomed.
  2. Hey Nigel, First, I want to say nice work on this soundtrack. The game itself looks interesting and the interface looks cute. Title Track I think this piece helps set the game
  3. Hey Ron, This has a solid eastern influence yet you can still hear your style peeking out. I like the bartok pizzicato for the rythm. It has a very juicy sound. The samples in here are good. The flute in this piece is mixed a little low during the louder and more climactic sections though. Near the end you bring the piece back to the beginning. That helped bring the piece back to its root so to speak. However, some of the cymbal/gong work was a little overdone. Mainly because it was highly active in sections that were not so active. I wouldn't say this is just a soundscape as this piece progresses and is based entirely on the melody. It takes you to several different emotions surrounding one specific emotional state. Overall, it sounds like a tragic piece. It is well executed and I personally like the eastern influence. Well done, Ron.
  4. Hey, This is pretty quirky. I like the orchestration and I loved the woodwind in this piece. I think it fits a mad scientist and his time machine well. However, this sounds more like an intro than an outro to me. Feels as though your being introduced to this mad scientist and maybe his crazy ideas. Other than that, there isn't much to be said. This is a catchy and quirky piece. Well done. :thumbsup:
  5. Hey Marius, Thanks for posting. I see what you mean about the trumpet. The sample is a little harsh and I may have mixed it a bit loud compared to the rest of the piece. However, it does help with the heavy dissonances so I will mix it lower and double it with some warmer instruments or I can lower it and arrange the horns to play in unison and raise there volume since they will produce a smooth layer over or behind the trumpet. I agree that this piece is more of a cue than a standalone piece. In a sense I was going for that although I recognize that as a double edged sword. I also see the orchestration communicating issue. I left the melody to the woodwind and the brass with small sections of piano. The strings as well as the horns played resonance and harmony for basically the entire piece. The 2nd part of the piece the strings plays the same notes but as rythm. I did purposely do this though I realize it isn't the most advance method of orchestration. Well, thanks for the detailed critique. It is greatly appreciated. (Glad you liked the glocks. ;)) --------------------------------------- Hey Ron, Thanks for the enthusiasm. Glad you liked the snare and the piece. I like the trumpet too, it just needs a little work on the mixing side. :P Thanks for posting.
  6. Hello Reth, Thanks for posting. I took the time to look up "Dragon:The Bruce Lee Story" and I can see how the main theme resembles this pieces or at least the beginning (mainly the percussion ideas.) I wouldn't say this piece conveyed only one emotion although it portrays one more then the others. I actually never thought of putting some kind of national anthem in the piece. That is an interesting idea. Again thanks for posting.
  7. Hello everyone, Summer break has started for me and I now have time (when i'm not at work) to learn the things I didn't know and become better from them. In the past few days I've learned that I do not know much about composition, but I am trying hard now to learn. This piece shows what progress I have made (I hope) so far and what is to come. For My Country is about the things a knight does for his country. I'm not going to get to in detail of what I was trying to express and instead let you figure that out on your own. I hope you enjoy this piece. Link: Start Player Any comments/advice or otherwise are welcomed. Thanks for listening. :D
  8. Hey, I maybe late to say this, but congradulations on the project. It sounds great and seems interesting enough. Piano Intro I was wondering if this is for the title screen or the opening to the game? It's a little short, but it doesn't appear to be loopable so I'm guessing it's for the opening. It's sounds very similar to alot of piano pieces I have heard before. Maybe a little to similar for my liking. Still I can't complain as this piece is very sentimental and sounds good. Main Theme I liked the Main Theme alot. Nicely orchestrated and I feel it goes well with the theme of the game (at least what I know of it.) My only critique is the length and the ending, but sense you say this isn't the final version and that you plan to improve on it i'll hold my tongue. March Intro I agree about the percussion. Some pieces sound better with light percussion and others sound better with heavier percussion. This is one of the "others." I could still see it fitting in though. Nice work, Marius. I feel theres little critiue to be said. These work you've done here is good and will help make this game come alive. :D
  9. Hey Ron, This is a very dark and tragic piece. A sense of death and despair to it. You have done well, as you often do, at expressing emotions in this piece. The mastering is better then the last piece of your I posted on. I think your getting better at it. The orchestration is better too. I'm not sure would be a suiting name for this piece, but I picture the spread of a plague when listening to this piece. Well done, Ron. Looking forward to more.
  10. When a past event is mentioned some people often say "That's Ancient History." In this piece I tried to show a past experience someone may be having. I don't use pianos much in my pieces, so I decided to make this piece centered around that instrument. Tell me how I did. :D Start Player Any comments and/or advice are welcomed. Thank you for listening.
  11. You've definitely accomplished your goal of retreating back to jocular. This piece is very quirky. Nicely orchestrated and has good samples to express it. I don't see any critique worth mentioning and EnigmusJ4 pretty much mentioned them anyway. :P Nice work and keep it up! :D
  12. Nigel: I agree that the orchestration is rather thin. The percussion is from EWQLSO Silver. I used a Bass concert drum, Timpani, Washboard, Woodblocks, and Sleigh bells. Can you elaborate on the section you felt lost it's direction? Johnwilliamsfan: Thanks for listening. I think it would help if a story was companied by this piece, however I can't say there is. "We Survive" was the title I felt presented this piece best. When I wrote this I was mainly thinking about wayfarers surviving their travels.
  13. This is a piece I wrote in my spare time. I'm not sure to describe it though. I hope you enjoy it still. Link: Start Player Any comments and/or advice are welcomed. Thank you ahead of time for listening.
  14. When I listen to this my mind paints pictures of a dark gloomy night in the big city. Many crimes are taking place on the streets. People getting robbed and jumped in long alleyways. I didn't realise you got new software, Ron? What would it be? Last time I checked you were using GPO. I did notice that the samples in this piece are much better though. This piece needs dynamics at the moment. It sounds generic because it currently has little dynamic changes. Have the instruments rise in volume quickly when the begin and the lower slightly as they begin to fade. It will make them feel like they are weaving in and out with the oboe. Nice little piece... resembles film music. ;)
  15. For any of you guys who are wondering what happen to this project... My old computer died on me about a month ago, so I bought a brand new one, but the Standard Windows Vista does not have a recording input (or a computer sound input; not talking about a mic input) so I couldn't record anything. Long story short I got the boot, but I finally managed to get it to work by plugging one side of a jack in an output plug and the other in the mic input. So, the computer can record itself now. (Hoorah! :toothygrin:)
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