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  1. Hello, With regard to contemporary music, are there any members using Computer Assisted Composition (CAO) software such as IRCAM Open Music (distributed free for PC, Mac and Linux platforms) or Opusmodus ( paying and exclusively on Mac) ? They have the distinction, besides many functions, to offer natively the tools of the Set Theory for composition or musical analysis. Based on the Lisp (Common Music), Open Music uses a visual programming language with which the various functions in patches are modularly connected while Opusmodus is based on scripts with pre-defined functions. It also offers a score editor and a midi player to play the different parts in a sequencer / Daw via virtual instruments (Vst (i)) or hardware.
  2. Hello Luis Hernandez, I am French and I am interested in Set Theory. By doing a search on the Net, I discovered your answer to millert1409 including your explanation on the relationship between the transposition of a PC-Set and the common notes from the Interval Vectors. To tell the truth, I had not paid attention to this particularity of the IV, simply noting the number of occurrences of the interval classes. However, very interested in your explanation, I tried this one on several IV but I run into a small problem concerning the number of tritones.If I take as an example the interval vectors of the set {0, 1, 4, 6, 9} is <113221>, when I transpose successively from the second minor to the fourth, the number of common notes displayed by the IV is similar. On the other hand, if I transpose {0, 1, 4, 6, 9} to tritone I get {6, 7, 10, 0, 3} two (6 / f # and 0 / c) instead of a single tritone. Is it the fact in the count that we must remember that 6 + 6 = 12 and not 0 ? Otherwise, thank you for this explanation on this feature of the Interval Vector which I had not paid attention. PS : Sorry for my bad english.
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